5 Tips To Increase Your Personal Power

Written by Chris Green

Have you ever started a new project full torepparttar brim with enthusiasm only to have your enthusiasm and motivation wane asrepparttar 144963 months go by? When we’re pursuing something of worth in our lives, enthusiasm and motivation are two very important factors. They act as driving forces for us and keep us on course to achieve our goals. So how can we maintain high levels of both? Try these ideas:

1. The most important one: Have at least one person in your life who is like-minded. This means someone who wants to berepparttar 144964 best they can be, who has dreams and goals and takes action to make them a reality. I know such people can be hard to find! They don’t have to be followingrepparttar 144965 same course in life as you. My best friend is studying to become a pilot and I enjoy computers and writing, yet because we love what we do, we help each other stay focused and motivated. But where can you find similar people? Try clubs and associations connected with your interests,repparttar 144966 workplace, and of course,repparttar 144967 Internet. Pick any subject and I guarantee you will find groups and forums for it online. Be proactive – seek out positive people. What they bring into your life – and you theirs – is priceless.

2. Watch inspirational movies. This is going to be down to personal taste, obviously, but here’s a selection of films that inspire me: The Star Wars films, Rocky I & II (the rest are no where near as good!), Shawshank Redemption, Twelve Angry Men, Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner, The Count Of Monte Cristo – There’s many more but these are my favourites and never fail to give me a boost. You could also add to this videos and DVDs of your favorite sporting moments – in fact anything that inspires you. Build your collection and watch them when you feel enthusiasm levels dropping.

3. Related torepparttar 144968 first tip: read biographies about people you admire. Again, personal taste will dictate who you read about but here’s some people I admire greatly: Martin Luther King, Lance Armstrong, Helen Keller, Sir Winston Churchill, Lord Horatio Nelson, Franklin D and Eleanor Roosevelt, Muhammad Ali to name but a few. The beauty about this is that you read about people who achieved so much with their lives. You are learning about people who “walkrepparttar 144969 talk” rather than listening to people who haven’t done anything and may well be negative about life. If you want to achieve your dreams it is absolutely vital to stay positive. Reading about people you admire will do for your positive attitude what pizzas do for your waistline, i.e expand it!

5 Tips To Add More Spice To Your Life

Written by Chris Green

You knowrepparttar old saying “variety isrepparttar 144962 spice of life”, and although many such phrases are just nonsense, this one is anything but. Because let’s be honest, sometimes our lives can become routine. We settle into a comfort zone and boredom and dissatisfaction can soon follow. If you’re looking for some exciting ideas to spice up your life, here’s my top 5 tips – go on, give them a try!

1. Once a week, visit somewhere you’ve never been before. A city, town or village, a museum, a theater, a restaurant, café, or bar, a park, a zoo, a wood or forest – getrepparttar 144963 idea? Visiting new places broadens your horizons and helps to keep life fresh and interesting.

2. The biggest thief that will ever enter your home does so by your invitation. Your television can steal something more valuable from you than any other thief onrepparttar 144964 planet: Your precious, non-renewable life time. Time to stop this little thief from pilfering any more! At least once a month, spend an entire week without watching any television and userepparttar 144965 time to do something much more life-enhancing. You could workout, read books, learn a new subject – languages, cookery, swimming, diving, computers, wine-tasting, crafts, astronomy, astrology, music, advanced driving, drama, take up a new sport –repparttar 144966 list is endless. You’ll meet people, you’ll develop more skills, you’ll add to your knowledge and you’ll develop more confidence. And you’ll feel more alive! Beats sitting indoors watching soaps,repparttar 144967 news, repeats and a barrage of commercials doesn’t it? I’m sure you’ve heard people say “I’d love to try something new but I just haven’trepparttar 144968 time”. It’s common isn’t it? Yet many people are totally unaware of how much television they watch. Let’s be conservative and say it’s an average 4 hours a day. 4 x 7 = 28 hours. Imagine what you could achieve if you devoted 28 hours a week to doing something far more constructive?

3. Fancy a challenge – something that will test you torepparttar 144969 limit? How about a survival weekend? There are many courses available for this, from basic outdoor survival to more specialized ones for arctic, desert and jungle survival. You’ll learn more aboutrepparttar 144970 environment, you’ll develop survival skills and again, you’ll meet new people and share a highly rewarding experience. To find courses, userepparttar 144971 Internet search engines – “survival weekend”, “survival courses” and “learn basic survival” as search terms.

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