5 Tips To Create A Kick-Butt Mini-Course That Pulls In Thousands of Rabid Subscribers... in a Flash!

Written by Jim Edwards

One ofrepparttar fastest ways to develop, build, and grow your own list of subscribers is to develop a "mini" course with an incredibly compelling promise.

I have personally used "mini" courses to build lists of several thousand subscribers in as little as a week.

A "mini" course is simply a series of e-mail's where you teach people a specific skill, set of skills, or reveal other information they really want to know.

Inrepparttar 134261 process of providing this focused, valuable information, you prove to your subscribers that you are THE expert in a particular area - and, you also encourage people to pay you to get even BETTER information from ebooks and information products you've either written or recommend. An example of a "mini" course offer I've used with great success isrepparttar 134262 free mini course at www.7dayebook.com that appears inrepparttar 134263 exit pop up window when you leaverepparttar 134264 site. The promise of this "mini" course is strong and compelling. Here's what it says...

FREE eBook Mini-Course "How to Write and Profit from your own eBook... while you're still young enough to enjoy it!"

Allrepparttar 134265 registration page asks for is first name and email address... and this mini-course has generated thousands of subscribers!

So here'srepparttar 134266 basic formula in a nutshell: Strong promise+ low risk+ high perceived reward= Subscribers

Now, if you'd like to build your own list of rabid subscribers, here are 5 sure-fire tips for creating a mini- course that truly kicks butt!

Tip #1 - The Promise

If you want to launch a successful mini-course, target an audience with a specific need and then make themrepparttar 134267 biggest possible promise you can deliver on.

People are pressed for time and rarely see as much value in something they get for free as opposed to something they pay a lot of money for.

Add to thisrepparttar 134268 fact thatrepparttar 134269 Internet gets more and more crowded everyday and you can see thatrepparttar 134270 best offers arerepparttar 134271 ones that grab people's attention by making a benefit- driven promise they can't resist.

Even though you offer your mini-course for free, you still must SELL people on WHY they should pay you with their time and attention.

Example: If you want to do a mini-course on real estate investing, look forrepparttar 134272 biggest and best promise you can make for people.

Let's look at these various promises for identical mini- course content:

Good: How to make a fortune in foreclosures.

Better: How to find and buy a profitable foreclosure within 2 weeks.

Best: How to find and buy a profitable foreclosure property in your area within 2 weeks - using none of your own money!

** The promise you make has everything to do with whether or not people sign up. IMPORTANT: After they sign up, make sure you deliver onrepparttar 134273 promise.

Tip #2 - Don't reinventrepparttar 134274 wheel

Look for existing content - your own or other people's - you can adapt directly or indirectly intorepparttar 134275 mini-course.

Hey, I understand you're busy... I'm busy too!

Why would you want to spend 2 days coming up with allrepparttar 134276 content for your mini-course if you already have past information you can adapt!?

If you don't have any existing material, then find someone else who has written an article and use that for part of your mini-course - with their permission of course.

Getting The Most From Your Customers

Written by Dan Brown

Business onrepparttar Net is a fast paced proposition. Net entrepreneurs are looking forrepparttar 134260 edge that will take their business torepparttar 134261 next level. Who doesn't want more business, right? Here's a simple yet POWERFUL idea for increasing your income.

As business people we look at many propositions that will help us take that next, much desired growth step. We hear that we must "brand" ourselves and be easy to do business with. The list of ideas goes on and on.


Many people overlook how hard (and expensive) it is to create a new customer. Yet, we focus most of our time and energy in just this area, thinking that if we just could get more customers we would achieve our goals. But what about getting more OUT OF your customers?

If you have been around for a while you have a customer list. That list is GOLD. Please understand that I am NOT talking about renting out your customer list of email addresses. What I AM talking about it approaching those customers, who know you and trust you already, with a totally new and different product.

Why should we limit ourselves to selling only one type of product or service when by adding an additional item to our current offerings we can TAKE ADVANTAGE ofrepparttar 134262 relationship that exists now? Will your customers resent this move? Not if you do it with some style.

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