5 Things to Look for in a Property Appraiser

Written by Mary Collins

Homeowners who are seeking a property appraiser often ask “How should I choose which real estate appraiser to use?” When selecting a property appraiser to use keeprepparttar following in mind:

Always make sure a property appraiser is licensed or certified byrepparttar 103254 state to perform real estate appraisals. While state licensing and/or certification isn’t always an indication of quality, it ensures that an individual is has met certain standards and been authorized to perform property appraisals. Some states do not require licensing to perform real estate appraisals. It is unwise to userepparttar 103255 services of any professional who is not licensed or certified.

Don’t be afraid to ask an appraiser for a copy of their license. A good appraiser will readily provide this documentation. Copies of licenses are commonly requested by mortgage brokers and loan officers. Once you get a copy of their license, it’s a good idea to check withrepparttar 103256 government agency which issuedrepparttar 103257 document to ensurerepparttar 103258 license is active and in good standing.

Many excellent real estate appraisers carry a professional designation. The most widely known industry designations are SRPA, SRA and MAI. These designations are issued byrepparttar 103259 Appraisal Institute. These designations demonstrate an appraiser's commitment to continuing education and ethical standards. Oftentimes,repparttar 103260 standards required to obtain these designations exceed those set forth by state licensing/certified requirements.

Avoid "Bad" Manners While Blogging

Written by Jim Edwards

Blogging,repparttar hottest trend in online publishing right now, is currently spreading like wildfire acrossrepparttar 103253 Internet.

A cross between an online journal and a bulletin board, everyone from rock stars, politicians, business leaders and your average "Joe" or "Jane" can instantly become a center of influence online using blogs.

But, as with any social interaction, certain rules apply (my grandma calls them manners) in order to be viewed as behaving "properly."

One ofrepparttar 103254 things that gives blogging such strong appeal as an online publishing method revolves around "comments."

Blogs that allow "comments" enable readers to respond and elaborate onrepparttar 103255 information posted byrepparttar 103256 blog owner.

These comments andrepparttar 103257 free exchange of information, opinions, links, and new ideas createsrepparttar 103258 dynamic and growing content that makes blogging such a popular online activity for both publishers and readers.

However, rules and unwritten customs aboutrepparttar 103259 proper use of "comments" on a specific blog are also where most ofrepparttar 103260 problems and controversy will arise.

Since a successful blog eventually becomes a community of people (albeit in cyberspace), proper social behavior is critical to be an effective and accepted member ofrepparttar 103261 community.

Keep these basic rules in mind when approaching a new blog that allows commenting by readers so you won't find yourself onrepparttar 103262 wrong end of a scolding by people who operate with a different set of rules than you.

As with any social circle, violatingrepparttar 103263 group's rules and customs will instantly cause a negative backlash.

** Keep It Relevant **

Stay on topic withrepparttar 103264 post you're commenting about in a blog.

Nothing will earn yourepparttar 103265 wrath and disdain of your fellow posters andrepparttar 103266 blog owner faster than posting an off-topic comment.

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