5 Steps to Protecting Your Hardwood Floor From Disaster

Written by Michael Nelson

Common knowledge states that hardwood floors are a great investment for a homeowner. They add a certain charm and character to a home that can’t be replicated by laminates, carpeting, or any other type of flooring. However,repparttar investment does not stop withrepparttar 145642 decision to purchase hardwoods. To retainrepparttar 145643 value,repparttar 145644 hardwood must be properly cared for and maintained. Fortunately, with a few simple, easy, inexpensive steps, your hardwood flooring will always remain in perfect shape.

1. Do not use Murphy’s Oil Soap. Murphy’s works great on wooden furniture, but don’t makerepparttar 145645 mistake of using it on your hardwood floors. You won’t notice anything wrong after applying it once, but if used consistently, residue will build up and leave your floor with a dull appearance.

2. Do not use a Wet Swiffer. A Dry Swiffer is great for collecting dust, dirt, and pet hair from your floors, and it is also less abrasive than a vacuum cleaner. However, a Wet Swiffer can cause major long-term damage. The chemicals inrepparttar 145646 cleaning solution can break downrepparttar 145647 urethane finish on your floor and leave it dull, faded, and lifeless.

3. Place area rugs anywhere that might collect water. Prime areas are in front ofrepparttar 145648 refrigerator, byrepparttar 145649 dishwasher, and near any sinks. Make sure thatrepparttar 145650 floor is protected in any spot that is susceptible to minor leaks and water collection. A pool of water isrepparttar 145651 quickest way to destroy your floor.

A Unique History of the Light Bulb

Written by Antigone Arthur

A Unique History ofrepparttar Light Bulb

Most people assume that Thomas Edison inventedrepparttar 145421 light bulb. This is only partially true however. Historically speaking, many people helped developedrepparttar 145422 modern incandescent bulb. Though Thomas Edison's achievements were by farrepparttar 145423 most significant, there are several others that deserve some credit.

Important People In The Life Of A Light Bulb

Sir Humphrey Davy isrepparttar 145424 first person to create artificial light. While conducting experiments Davy passed an electric arc of energy between two poles. The resulting "light" had a short life but nonetheless contributed torepparttar 145425 science of electricity.

In 1820 a fellow named Warren De la Rue also tried to createrepparttar 145426 incandescent light bulb. Using a platinum coil, la Rue passed a current of electricity through a tube. This successful resulted in a light "bulb" or sorts. However,repparttar 145427 platinum coil used proved way too expensive to mass-produce. Thus la Rue's creation served more as a research tool than anything else.

Still searching forrepparttar 145428 perfect bulb, Frederick de Moleyns stepped up torepparttar 145429 plate in 1841. He used powdered charcoal filters as a conductor for light energy. He isrepparttar 145430 first person granted a patent for creating incandescent lamps. Then, Edward Shepard less than a decade later used a charcoal filament to create an incandescent lamp. Like its predecessors, this light was short-lived. Aroundrepparttar 145431 same time a man named Joseph Swan also started using carbon as filaments. Carbon provided a lower cost and more efficient filament material than other metal alternatives.

In 1854 a German worker created a filament using carbonized bamboo. This successfully produced an incandescent electric bulb. The light bulb hadrepparttar 145432 same problem as its predecessors however. Short life spans seemed to plaguerepparttar 145433 early inventors of light for many years before Edison stepped on torepparttar 145434 scene. In 1860 Joseph Swan displayed a decent light bulb using carbonized filaments. His problem however, was failure to create a proper vacuum and enough electricity to product a lasting light.

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