5 Steps to Making the Media Your Friend

Written by Lois Carter Fay, APR

The reporter is not your enemy, and he can easily be turned into your new best friend, just by following these simple steps.

1.Readrepparttar publication and know what it covers.

Whether you want to get onrepparttar 120582 front page ofrepparttar 120583 business section in your newspaper or you hope to berepparttar 120584 next star featured onrepparttar 120585 cover of Rolling Stone magazine, it’s important for you to get to knowrepparttar 120586 media and what types of stories it covers. Certainly a business-to-business company isn’t going to be featured onrepparttar 120587 cover of Rolling Stone. Why? Because that magazine coversrepparttar 120588 music and entertainment industry, not companies that sell widgets to other companies.

Don’t waste your time with publications that don’t cover your industry. There are several resources available to help you determine which media cover your industry or geographic location. Many can be found in your local library. Most are available either for an annual or a monthly fee. Some of these are Bacon’s Media Directories (www.bacons.com); Standard Rate and Data Service (www.srds.com); Gebbie Press All-in-One Media Directory (www.gebbie.com); and Writer’s Market (www.writersmarket.com). Your local chamber of commerce or Public Relations Society of America may also have a local or statewide media directory available for purchase.

Once you have made a list ofrepparttar 120589 publications you think your company should be in, begin to find out more about them. You need to knowrepparttar 120590 publication or broadcast station’s “personality” to be able to successfully pitch a story to them. How do you do that? You read a minimum of six issues ofrepparttar 120591 print publication, cover to cover, or you listen to a month’s worth ofrepparttar 120592 targeted television or radio program to get to know its focus andrepparttar 120593 trends it is following. You also obtain a media kit and reviewrepparttar 120594 demographicsrepparttar 120595 kit provides.

Don’t send news releases that are not pertinent torepparttar 120596 publication’s readership. Send only well-written, short releases with information that is obviously news about your company. Evaluate whetherrepparttar 120597 “news” is really “advertising” before you write that release. Don’t wasterepparttar 120598 reporter’s time; he is busy. You will surely irritate him, and that will not be to your benefit!

2.Find out which reporters cover your industry.

Your research above will help you to determine which reporter, editor, or program director you should begin to get to know. Pay attention to which reporters are writing or speaking about your industry and start creating a database.

If contact information isn’t included inrepparttar 120599 articles you are reading, look onrepparttar 120600 publication’s website. It will often tell you which reporter you should contact and how you can do that.

3.Visitrepparttar 120601 reporters and get to know them.

Now that you know whom you should contact, begin to develop a relationship with them. Telephone those you would like to know and set up a time to meet. Becauserepparttar 120602 media are often on deadline, it’s best to introduce yourself and then ask, “Is this a good time to talk?”

When you do meet withrepparttar 120603 reporter, briefly tell him about yourself andrepparttar 120604 company you represent and then ask how you can help him. You are not there to pitch a story about your company. You are there to find out aboutrepparttar 120605 reporter and his needs. (Of course, you will come torepparttar 120606 meeting prepared with a couple of ideas and a media kit, just in caserepparttar 120607 reporter asks you for this!)

How to Use Free Articles to Explode Your Internet Business!

Written by Michael Ingles

How to Use Free Articles to Explode Your Internet Business! By Michael Ingles

In this article I will show you how to use articles to explode your internet business. Writing articles and posting them onrepparttar internet can pull in a flood of traffic to your web site.

You may be asking yourself "how can writing a simple article impact my business"?

It is quite simple! There are numerous article directories listed onrepparttar 120581 internet to post your articles on. This is one ofrepparttar 120582 best online marketing tools - and it's 100% Free.

I have listed a few Article Directories below: 1.http://www.articlecentral.com 2.http://www.ideamarketers.com 3.http://www.goarticles.com 4.http://www.ezinearticles.com/add_url.html

By submitting to various article directories, you will be able to get your article posted on popular websites aroundrepparttar 120583 world. This will not only give you exposure but will also improve your link popularity with search engines allowing people to locate your website!

So how does this impact my website?

Each article you post has what's called a "Resource Box". The "Resource Box" is located atrepparttar 120584 bottom of your article and it contains your name and a brief add with a link to your web page. Image, having hundreds even thousands of postings to some ofrepparttar 120585 top web sites with your article pointing readers to your web site for further information!

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