5 Steps To A Successful Resume

Written by Jonathan R Taylor

1. Choose Your Format Correctly - There are two main resume formats - chronological and functional. If you are seeking a job in a field in which you already have work experience, you will probably want to choose a chronological format where you will be able to showcase your job history. If, however, you want to transition into a different field, you definitely need to use a functional format. This will allow you to focus on your strengths and transferable skills and not box yourself into a certain field.

2. Be Specific - Too often, I see resumes with experience stated this way, "Sold used vehicles" or "Negotiated claim settlements." Use real numbers to improve your resume. "Sold 20 used vehicles in first 3 months of employment" or "Increased overall customer satisfaction by 25% in claim settlement negotiations."

3. Be Accurate - Don't stretchrepparttar truth just to impress. Make sure you use completely accurate numbers in your claims. You cannot build a solid career on a shaky foundation.

Turn Your Passion Into Profits

Written by Jonathan R Taylor

Dan’s audio Turning Your Passions into Profits is one ofrepparttar best I’ve listened to when it comes to providing some great ideas for starting a small business. I’m a firm believer that a person should always look at themselves first, before making a decision as to what type of business they want to start. Typically, people who succeed in business do so because they are passionate about what they do; however, passion is not alwaysrepparttar 107001 sole determining factor in whether a small business makes it big or goes “belly up”.

Often, it comes from simply findingrepparttar 107002 right opportunity atrepparttar 107003 right time. In today’s changing market it’s not always about what you like to do. You also have to determine if there is a market for what you want to do. I recently read an article aboutrepparttar 107004 two founders of Black River Produce in Proctorsville, Vermont. When Mark Curran and Stephen Birge first started their business back inrepparttar 107005 70’s, they knew absolutely nothing about their product. Instead, they were looking forrepparttar 107006 right business opportunity and found a great one in establishing a wholesale produce company that supplied local restaurants with fresh vegetables. Passion, in their case, came from finally working for themselves.

Most ofrepparttar 107007 time, it’srepparttar 107008 passion that comes first. I posted a blog earlier this week about an ex navy seal who took many ofrepparttar 107009 basic calisthenics he did while inrepparttar 107010 military and turned them into a deck of fifty cards called FitDeck. Phil Black,repparttar 107011 inventor took something that he enjoyed doing as a soldier, and found a niche market for it among those who are conscious about staying fit but don’t haverepparttar 107012 time or money to go torepparttar 107013 gym.

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