5 Steps To A Great Life

Written by Miami Phillips

Here are what I believe to berepparttar five steps to creatingrepparttar 123709 life you want. Of course, a five-step list torepparttar 123710 perfect life has to be kind of short and requiring definition! However, these five are a great start!

1. Have gratitude. Gratitude opensrepparttar 123711 door for all that follows. Have gratitude for where you are and how you got there. Give thanks for what you have and those around you.

2. Acceptance Can you accept that you are where you are because ofrepparttar 123712 choices you have made? Every choice combined together has createdrepparttar 123713 life you now have. You may not have been aware ofrepparttar 123714 choice you were making, but it was a choice justrepparttar 123715 same.

Accept that your life is perfect as it is. Not to say it is wonderful, or perfection, but that it is perfect inrepparttar 123716 sense that you created it, and therefore you can change it if you want.

3. Choose Begin to make conscious choices on a consistent basis. Hold every decision to your values and definitions of success as a measuring tool. This will begin to create a life based on what calls to you and what you have defined as success to you.

4. Let gorepparttar 123717 outcome The challenging part of all this is giving uprepparttar 123718 idea that you have any other control of your future! If you define success as money, or a job, or a relationship, then you are bound to be disappointed. Life never gives us what we want, but what we deserve.

Add More Spark to a Chug-Along Life! (i-mail saga)

Written by Doug C. Grant

Article Title: Add Spark to a Chug-Along Life! Author Name: Doug C. Grant Contact Email Address: doug @dougcgrant.com Word Count: 776 Category: Motivational/Humor © Doug C. Grant, 2002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Publishing Guidelines: Thank you for publishing this article in its entirety includingrepparttar resource box. When possible, please notify me of publication by sending either a website link or a copy of your ezine upon publication via email to doug@dougcgrant.com --------------------------- ADD SPARK TO A CHUG-ALONG LIFE! (another chapter fromrepparttar 123708 i-mail saga)

by Doug C. Grant

"Sailing pretty high today, are we?"

It was another i-mail from Other-Self. An interruption as usual.

I was reading a generously kind e-mail from a reader whenrepparttar 123709 i-mail arrived, internally of course. And I knew that to ignore it would only increaserepparttar 123710 frequency and nagging of future i-mails.

So I answered. "If you mean by ‛sailing high' that I'm enjoying these few kind words sent by a reader then you're right. Does that offend you?"

"Not at all. I merely wanted to point out that success is not success in one or two areas of life. That is hardly any success at all."

"You want more success? Well let me remind you that I enjoy a strong marriage, exercise three times a week, have a successful business and go to church...at least sometimes. I believe that even you will have to admit that I'm relatively well-rounded."

From somewhere down below came a snort. "I might agree with you if I wasn't looking at this layer of fat plastered around your waist. You may exercise your body but you certainly don't exercise discretion over your diet. I don't call that success.

"As for your social life, you have a number of acquaintances but no real friends. No success there. Andrepparttar 123711 only time you conduct a meaningful discussion with God is when things are onrepparttar 123712 slide. Even then,repparttar 123713 only reason for doing so is to dump on Him. Hardly a successful spiritual walk."

"Oh come now! I'm not super-human. Maybe a few areas of my life could do with a bit of sprucing up. But all in all I consider myself well-rounded and successful."

"That's absolute foolishness. You will never be more successful thanrepparttar 123714 least of your achievements. Allow me to illustrate. Your car has six cylinders and therefore six spark-plugs. If only three spark-plugs were firing, would you say you had a successful engine?"

That's one ofrepparttar 123715 things that annoys me about Other-Self. He can come up withrepparttar 123716 most ridiculous illustrations. "I suppose you're trying to tell me that if I lack a spark in some area of my life I'm less than successful. That's cute. A stupid example but cute. If this is your message, I'm sorry to inform you that I've neitherrepparttar 123717 time nor talent to become successful in all things."

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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