5 Simple Weight Loss Tips

Written by Gary Gresham

Not long ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and my doctor told me to lose weight or my life would be shortened by many years. Being overweight most of my life I knew it was time to get serious.

I know how hard weight loss is and I want to share a few things with you I found alongrepparttar way that helped me lose 70lbs in eleven months. I believe these weight loss tips can help you too, no matter what diet you chose to follow.

Tip #1 Eat Smaller Meals More Often

Eat breakfast, and then a couple of hours later have a snack. Eat lunch then a couple of hours later then have another snack. In another couple of hours you can eat dinner. Just make your choices are sensible. I buyrepparttar 131329 small peeled carrots inrepparttar 131330 bag that are ready to eat so I can eat healthy snacks.

Most diet plans leave you feeling deprived, but all of that chewing makes you feel more satisfied. Eating every few hours also raises your metabolic rate which means your body will burn fat and stop storing fat. Once you get used to this small change, you'll discover this weight loss tip really works.

Tip #2 Eat Lots Of Vegetables

Eat raw vegetables and salads because they are low in calories, low in carbohydrates and are loaded with vitamins. But if you cover your salad or vegetables with dressing, you may as well forget about losing weight. Always get your salad dressing onrepparttar 131331 side because dressing is high in fat.

A good weight loss tip I discovered is dip your fork inrepparttar 131332 dressing before you forkrepparttar 131333 salad. This gives you a small taste but keepsrepparttar 131334 amount of salad dressing you eat to a minimum.

Tip #3 Drink Plenty Of Water

I fought this tip at first because it was just too hard to believe. But I changed my mind when I sawrepparttar 131335 benefits. Drinking water not only makes you less hungry but you will notice a big difference inrepparttar 131336 way you feel.

I drank a lot of diet sodas all of my life, but changing to water gave me a cleaner feeling and it actually helped me shed pounds once I switched. Any doctor will tell you to drink more water because it's good for your overall health. If you change your mind about drinking more water, it could berepparttar 131337 one tip that makes a big difference in your weight loss.

Do You Have A Food Addiction?

Written by Alex Sharp

Everyone from time to time gets a craving for a certain type of food. Sometimes we just crave something to eat. No real reason, other than to eat. Sometimes this can be because you are bored, or because you seem something suggestive about food. How many times have you seen a television commercial advertising burgers and it made you want one? This is healthy. We all do it. Hell, I'd say that we probably do this several times per week. Did you know, that you can be addicted to food? I know that sounds a little weird, but it is true. How can you tell if you are a food addict? Sometimes it might not be as easy as you think. There are many things that might come in your way of knowing if you are a food addict. You might be depressed or in an emotional downward spiral that will tarnish your ability to see what is going on. Over a period of time, you will be able to tell if you have an eating problem. If nothing else, you will see it in your waist line. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. What foods are addictive? Well, that is a hard answer. There is no hard answer on what is addictive. It is like saying what is more addictive, beer or whiskey. Though there are a few foods that are extremely addictive. Caffeine. We all know that this is addictive. I'm sure if you are a coffee drinker, you know how you getrepparttar shakes inrepparttar 131327 morning if you don't have your coffee. Is coffee addiction bad for you? It depends on how much that you drink. If you are drinking a few cups a day, I don't think that it is harmful. If onrepparttar 131328 other hand you are drinking several pots per day, you have a problem. Even though it is addictive, you can controlrepparttar 131329 amount that you consume. Unless you have a very addictive personality. If this isrepparttar 131330 case, I would suggest that you avoid coffee and other caffeine containing products all together. Sugar. This is addictive. We try not to think of it as being so, but it is. It is addictive because ofrepparttar 131331 jolt of energy that it gives us. If you haven't had your daily truck load of sugar and you feel tired, worn out, cranky, you are going through withdraw. Did you know that heroin addicts that are going through withdraw consume large amounts of sugar? It is said that sugar helps ward offrepparttar 131332 cravings of heroin. Sugar is one of those things that is hard to avoid. The best thing that you can do is avoid candy and other sweets. You will digest some sugar, but if you avoid those things, you will cut out a big portion of your sugar consumption. You should also avoid sodas. They are loaded with sugar.

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