5 Simple Steps to Start Your Weight Loss Program

Written by Nick Webb

Remember there’s more to you than meetsrepparttar eye. You’ve got personality, brains, feelings… in short, all those things that make you, YOU. So why diet? After all, you’re more than just a body, and things that really matter can’t be measured on a scale. That said, there are some very good sound reasons for dieting. After all, dieting is not just for weight loss or weight gain. No,repparttar 115565 true meaning of ‘diet’ is in choosing foods and setting eating habits that will keep you healthy, strong, and feeling your best. It takes planning and dedication. It means setting goals and following through. But it doesn’t have to be a chore. No, withrepparttar 115566 right tools it can even be fun … especially when you start to seerepparttar 115567 results that you’re looking for! Before, choosing a diet, there are five extremely simple Steps, which if you really apply you will probably end up losing weight without even trying! Doesn’t that sound interesting. Really No kidding … tryrepparttar 115568 following: Step 1) Always sit down when you eat, preferable at a table. Don’t eat while standing, walking, driving or talking onrepparttar 115569 phone. Step 2) Don’t read or watch television while you eat. Step 3) Eat only when your stomach is empty. At least 3 to 4 hours from your last meal. Step 4) Don’t take a bite until you’ve already swallowedrepparttar 115570 previous bite. Obvious? Try observing people and you’ll see them stuffing their mouths, which are still full. They probably talk atrepparttar 115571 same time! So, bite, chew, swallow, bite, chew, swallow. Step 5) Don’t eat when you’re not hungry. No, I’m being serious and I know that this sounds stupid. For example when at home wait 5 minutes before taking second helpings. If you wait, you’ll probably find that you’re no longer hungry, whereas if you don’t wait you could probably eat thirds! Remember … Wait five minutes before taking more.

7 Winter Exercise Tips for Busy People

Written by Dale Reynolds

Many people find summer exercise easy, because there are so many fun activities available when it’s warm outside. But if you live inrepparttar North, you might find exercise duringrepparttar 115564 winter much more difficult. I refuse to run outdoors when it’s very cold,repparttar 115565 road is icy, orrepparttar 115566 snow banks have narrowedrepparttar 115567 road significantly. But I also refuse to hibernate, since exercise helps improve your immune system to help you fight off winter colds and flu, and also gives you energy and a positive outlook. So, here are a few tips to get you thinking about staying active all year long!

Find exercise videos you love, and carve out a space indoors withrepparttar 115568 equipment you need. I exercise in my basement all year long, and add outdoor activities when weather permits. The great thing about having an exercise video collection, andrepparttar 115569 right space, is that you have absolutely no excuses! Weather, time of day, long lines for equipment, etc. will not stop you from burning calories! My personal favorites come from The Firm, and my favorite place to shop is Collage Video. Visit my website, www.slimdale.com and click on Links to get there.

The new fall television lineup will be here soon. Use TV commercial breaks! Many people ignore strength training because they feel cardio burns more calories. But adding muscle to your body will raise your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories all day long. Resistance training also strengthens your bones, and just getting stronger can help you with a multitude of daily activities. So find a book, magazine article, wall chart or other resource showing exercises to work all major muscle groups, and do a set of repetitions during each commercial. You’ll get a 20-minute workout during one 60-minute show!

Join a walking club at a local school, or walk inside a shopping mall. You can window-shop beforerepparttar 115570 stores open so you go right torepparttar 115571 store that hasrepparttar 115572 best sales orrepparttar 115573 styles you love when they are open.

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