5 Secrets to Selling Products & Services to Your Audience

Written by Susan Harrow

1. Know your audience.

How can you tailor information to your audience if you don't know who they are? In almost every article, book, or manual on publicity and marketing you'll hear this one--and yet few people heed it. When I spoke atrepparttar Los Angeles Gift Show it became evident that many retailers and buyers didn't know their audience. Fellow speaker and communications expert Kare Anderson (http://www.sayitbetter.com) polled over 60 exhibitors and discovered that only 2 felt they knewrepparttar 147844 type of person they were targeting. Huh? How can they sell products to people they can't even profile?

To serve your market you'll want to know what problems you can solve for them, and more specifically what your audience longs for. Most of us have what we need, but desire more or less of what we have--or we yearn for something different or better. A poem byrepparttar 147845 Japanese Haiku master Basho describes this essential state ofrepparttar 147846 human condition--this longing for something other than we are or have.

Even in Kyoto- Hearingrepparttar 147847 cuckoo's cry- I long for Kyoto.

Give people what they are longing for and you will find a permanent place in their hearts.

2. Test, test, then test again.

Many webmasters don't test your shopping cart on different computer platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux), with different browsers, or with various computer configurations. This is essential!

The $10,000/hour speaker discussed above insisted thatrepparttar 147848 shopping cart on his website worked from his computer, though he admitted that he'd heard from a number of people it was often *down.* I tested it on my Mac and Windows PC with both Netscape and Internet Explorer and couldn't get it to function at all.

Understand that I'm no techie (biggest understatement ofrepparttar 147849 year) so these wererepparttar 147850 most basic of tests, all done from a marketing vs. technical standpoint. If you are your own webmaster, have your friends and associates test your ecommerce sections, and your website in general, before you unleash your brilliance onrepparttar 147851 world. It's amazing allrepparttar 147852 things that can go wrong on a web site, including things that you or your tech help hasn't thought of. While it's impossible to go through every conceivable configuration, it is possible to take care of allrepparttar 147853 major ones.

3. Takerepparttar 147854 annoyance out of shopping.

In other words, make buying from you a pleasure. I was on a *professional marketer's* site to scope out a product he sells for $97. I muddled my way through a century of copy before I could get torepparttar 147855 actual *click to buy button.* I know he and other Internet marketers like him think this direct marketing technique (long copy, addressing every objection,repparttar 147856 illusion of giving away meaningful information) really sellsrepparttar 147857 product--but it doesn't work if they don't make it easy to getrepparttar 147858 product inrepparttar 147859 basket.

After about 5 minutes of clicking forward and backward, I gave up. (Byrepparttar 147860 way, women have less patience onrepparttar 147861 Internet than men). Chalk up another lost sale for him.

Userepparttar 147862 fewest number of clicks to get a buyer to where they're going (torepparttar 147863 checkout). This means in navigating forward, towardrepparttar 147864 final sale, or backward to add more items to their cart. Don't have your potential customer waste time and effort trying to figure out where or what to click, because they won't--they'll simply leave. Model yourself after amazon.com who makesrepparttar 147865 process simple and easy.

Also, explain every step of your ordering process so that people feel confident of where they are going and what they can expect from you. This means everything from screens that verifyrepparttar 147866 information is correctly filled out on forms, to email messages confirming and precisely explainingrepparttar 147867 shipping method and timeframe.

4. Don't sacrifice image for speed.

Think about it. If someone is paying you a substantial sum for your services and your website comes across like a poor pauper, do you think they'll retain their confidence in you?

It's important to concern yourself deeply aboutrepparttar 147868 kind of image you're projecting before you slap something up on your website that you'll be sorry for later. Donald Rumsfeld, our current Secretary of Defense, former chairman ofrepparttar 147869 *transition team* for President Ford, andrepparttar 147870 former White House chief of staff, gives this advice, *Think ahead. Don't let day-to-day operations drive out planning. Plan backward as well as forward. Set objectives and trace back to see how to achieve them. You may find that no path can get you there. Plan forward to see where your steps will take you, which may not be clear or intuitive.*

Some questions to ask to help you get clear:

Is what you're offering soft or hard-edged enough forrepparttar 147871 kind of audience you want to attract? What arerepparttar 147872 qualities your audience is looking for from you? Is what you do completely clear? Arerepparttar 147873 products you sell filled with knowledge and information (or inrepparttar 147874 case of 3-D products originality and true value) your buyers can't get from your competitors? Do you make it easy to buy? Remember that most information can be found elsewhere, but your wisdom cannot.


Written by Micheal Iwaski

Press Release Writing... Source: http://www.24-7pressrelease.com

Writing a press release may be, at first a very daunting task. A well written press release can give you exposure like you have never seen before. Depending on how and where you distribute your press release, you may receive exposure on radio, television or evenrepparttar front page of The New York Times! At 24-7pressrelease.com, our goal is to provide as much information torepparttar 147843 public on writing an effective press release. Content is Key We cannot stress enoughrepparttar 147844 importance of a well written press release.

When you write your press release, keep your target audience in mind. Atrepparttar 147845 same time, keep in mind that part of your audience will be an editor, reporter or journalist. This is important as these arerepparttar 147846 individuals that will publish your story if it is interesting. This will give yourepparttar 147847 extra arm of exposure that everyone hopes for.

Ensure thatrepparttar 147848 first paragraph of your press release answersrepparttar 147849 important questions such as Who, What, When Where and Why. You have one sentence not to looserepparttar 147850 editor/journalist.

It is important thatrepparttar 147851 content within your press release is accurate, easily readable and torepparttar 147852 point. A well written press release does not need to be a novel. Rememberrepparttar 147853 point of a press release is to enticerepparttar 147854 reader or journalist to contact you for further information. You do not need to tell your Companies entire life history. In fact, shorter press releases (usually between 175 – 300 words) tend to receive more exposure, if written well. Why? Because many trade publication journalists may be looking for a short informative piece to fill a spot within a column of a magazine, newspaper or web site. Have you ever seen short snip-its withinrepparttar 147855 side of a magazine, or downrepparttar 147856 side ofrepparttar 147857 page on a web site. Guess whererepparttar 147858 information comes from.

A carefully written and informative press release will be sure to capturerepparttar 147859 eyes of journalists. Make sure you take your time, and edit your release carefully.

Do Not Embellish or Exaggerate Your Press Release Grammar As we already know a well written press release, with perfect timing will give yourepparttar 147860 exposure everyone is looking for.

Now that you have written your press release, had it submitted for distribution and are receiving phone calls and emails about it, you will no doubt have some questions to be answered. If your press release is written with embellishments, you will lose credibility very quickly. You should be aware, that this loss of credibility will also carry over to future press releases. Journalists will remember a source. They will remember a name. They will remember a web site. If you leave a bad taste in their mouth, they will remember this experience. What does this mean? It meansrepparttar 147861 next time you submit a press release it will likely not be looked at if seen byrepparttar 147862 same journalist/editor. They will remember you you’re your Company as someone that will embellish a story. Do not embellish or exaggerate your press release.

Make sure if you are using facts and figures to enhance your press release that you provide sources of these numbers where you can. The reason for this is simple. It adds credibility. If you publish figures or information that appears “to good to be true”, even thoughrepparttar 147863 information is accurate, your story may not get picked up. Again, although completely innocent, this may appear stretchingrepparttar 147864 truth which also leavesrepparttar 147865 possibility of future releases being overlooked.

Ifrepparttar 147866 information is true, and you cannot back it up, if possible go conservative and inform them when they contact you. This may not always be possible, but remember, you do not want to turn a journalist/editor off.

Grammar Make sure that your press release has been read, edited and re-read before submission. A poorly written press release will be a fast turn off for any journalist or editor. A poorly written press release will also be a negative reflection for any Company.

By double checking your release, you will hopefully catch any grammatical errors. Although some ofrepparttar 147867 best writers will occasionally miss grammatical errors or typos, by making sure you read, edit and re-read your press release, you drastically reducerepparttar 147868 chance for error.

Print your press release. By printing your press release and reading a paper copy, you are more likely to catch any errors. This works great for press releases that may be a little onrepparttar 147869 longer side.

Have a co-worker or friend review your press release. Sometimes another set of eyes may catch an error. Although you may have read and re-read your work, sometimes when you are extremely focused, you may tune an error out.

Wait untilrepparttar 147870 morning and re-read your press release. You would not believerepparttar 147871 difference a night of sleep does when you are writing. When you are bright and fresh, re-read your press release to ensure that it is exactly how you want it.

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