It is quite simple to repair a hole in a Sheetrocked wall, however there are minor differences in methods of repair depending on how large
hole is.Small size holes (1/4” or smaller)
With small holes, simply apply a little joint compound or wall putty with a small putty knife or trowel. Let dry, then sand lightly and paint.
Medium size holes (Greater than ¼” in diameter and smaller than 2” in diameter).
First clean out
hole and surrounding area of any debris and loose sheetrock. Then apply a mesh tape, specifically manufactured for sheetrock applications, across
hole. Use your putty knife to ensure that it is applied evenly on
wall surface. Next apply a liberal amount of Joint Compound over
hole and mesh. Let this set for 1 to 2 days.
initial coat has been applied and has had time to fully dry, apply a second skim coat of Joint Compound over
area. However, this time spread
Joint Compound over an area that is 2-3 times
size of
original hole. Basically you want to flare out
area that you are repairing so that it will blend in nicely with
rest of
wall. Again let
area dry for a day.
Finally lightly sand
area and apply one last skim coat over
area. Again spreading
Joint Compound out a little further than
last application. Let
Joint Compound set up one more day, sand lightly and then paint.