5 Questions to Ask Yourself as a Manager

Written by Arthur Cooper

5 Questions to Ask Yourself as a Manager By Arthur Cooper (c) Copyright 2005

Here are five questions you should ask yourself if you are a manager. Only if you can say ‘Yes’ to them all can you be sure of being onrepparttar right track.

1.Are you in control?

This question concerns what you and your team are doing, not your status inrepparttar 102875 team. You are givingrepparttar 102876 orders and they are receiving them, that is true. Butrepparttar 102877 real meaning of this question lies elsewhere.

The real question to ask is this. Are you just reacting to events as they occur or are you directing them? Are you solving problems as they happen or are you anticipating and avoiding them? In other words, are you reactive or proactive?

To achieve more, to be more effective, and to end up withrepparttar 102878 results you want you need to be proactive. As a side effect you will atrepparttar 102879 same time dramatically reduce your level of stress.

2.Are you sure of your goals?

Do you know where you and your team are headed? Are you sure of what you should be doing? Do you really know what you are trying to achieve? If you don’t know it is a certainty that your team doesn’t know either.

Find out. Decide for yourself. Remove all doubts. Be one hundred percent sure.

3.Is your team with you?

Do you have to drag your team with you where you want them to go or are they willing to follow your lead? Have you convinced them that your way isrepparttar 102880 best? Are they motivated? Indeed, are you yourself sufficiently keen, motivated, and enthusiastic for it to show and to rub off onto your team?

If you do need re-motivating and firing up, or if your team does then it is your job as manager to see that it is done.

Conducting a VoIP Readiness Assessment of Your Corporate Network

Written by TelCon Associates, Inc

2005 is predicted to berepparttar year of voice over IP (VoIP) solutions for a growing number of corporate enterprises - both large and small.

If you have been consideringrepparttar 102874 benefits of implementing VoIP, you are certainly not alone. In its just-published "2005 Telecommunications Report," Harris Interactive found that 87% of business decision-makers are familiar with VoIP and, of that number, 12% currently use it in their organizations.

So what'srepparttar 102875 big attraction?

Cost mainly. But lowering company telecom expenses is just one aspect ofrepparttar 102876 lure of implementing VoIP solutions. Other advantages includerepparttar 102877 potential for value-added services andrepparttar 102878 capability of more advanced features made possible throughrepparttar 102879 integration of voice and data (e.g. videoconferencing, advanced voicemail features,etc.)

Sounds good, but here'srepparttar 102880 rub...it's also been estimated that up to 85% of corporate networks are simply not ready to handle VoIP.

Combining voice with data is a tricky proposition. After decades of getting used to near-perfect sound quality delivered over traditional voice networks, evenrepparttar 102881 slightest delays in voip can be very annoying.

Before diving in to a full-blown VoIP solution, it is advisable that you conduct a voice over IP readiness assessment of your existing network. This assessment will provide you with two very important pieces of information:

1) The capability of your existing data network to deliver high-quality voip calls, and; 2)repparttar 102882 ability to evaluaterepparttar 102883 quality of these calls during a wide variety of traffic scenarios. Keep in mind that most data networks were not designed for VoIP, so chances are that some upgrading of your existing network will be necessary.

One critical requirement for VoIP to work is QoS. (Short for Quality of Service, a networking term that specifies a guaranteed throughput level). For QoS to work,repparttar 102884 routers and switches that managerepparttar 102885 data traffic flow in your network must be able to prioritize VoIP data packets via QoS.

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