5 Promotion Secrets to Get the Job You Want

Written by Ed Sykes

Time and time again I hearrepparttar following from students in my career advancement workshops:

“My work speaks for itself…I shouldn’t have to tell anyone about my skills.” “Why did they hire fromrepparttar 129115 outside, I am already doing what’s required of that position?” “Why did they getrepparttar 129116 job, I have more skills and experience than they do?” “How come my name is never mentioned when promotions come up in conversation?”

The answer is…you need to promote your skills and experience. Everybody quotesrepparttar 129117 old saying, “It not what you know, but who you know.” That’s not quite right. The correct saying should be, “It not what you know but who knows what you know.” The people that can make decisions or have input on your career need to know what you know. This will only happen if you promote, promote, promote your special skills and experience.

Here are five secrets you can use to promote yourself for promotions:

1. Volunteer to Make a Difference Volunteer for assignments that expose your skills. Look for especially challenging projects that other people have declined.

Also volunteer to mentor others within your organization. This will show and develop your leadership, management, and interpersonal skills. Keep management posted on your challenges and how you are working withrepparttar 129118 person you are mentoring to overcome these challenges.

Volunteer to write a department or organizational newsletter. This is another way to benefit a large group with your ideas while showcasing your skills and ideas.

2. Be a Solution Creator not a Problem Maker Anybody can find problems within organizations. My experience is that you don’t need to find them…they will find you. Sometimes they have a special skill of finding problems and reporting them.

Developrepparttar 129119 skill of looking at these problems as “opportunities for advancement,” step back and analyzerepparttar 129120 opportunity, and develop ideas for overcomingrepparttar 129121 problem. Make sure you communicate these solutions during meetings, e-mails, memos, and conversations with management. You will soon be looked upon by management as someone who can overcome obstacles and make things happen withinrepparttar 129122 organization.

3. Handlerepparttar 129123 Next Level at This Level If you are a manager and want to become a vice president then, start working like a vice president. Find a vice president that is open to mentoring you forrepparttar 129124 next level. Remember, that vice president will not be promoted torepparttar 129125 next level unlessrepparttar 129126 organization sees thatrepparttar 129127 vice president has developed someone to take their spot. It might as well be you. Plus you can lighten their work load.

Explain torepparttar 129128 vice president what you want to accomplish so that everyone has a clear understanding and that this is a win-win situation for all involved.

I hear, “I’m too busy already to do this.” Well, let me ask you, “How badly do you wantrepparttar 129129 promotion?” We are all busy. It’s up to you to enhance your time management and delegation skills so that you can take on these tasks that will prepare you forrepparttar 129130 next level.

How Do You Win at Home Organization? Think Small!

Written by Laurie Hayes

Many people have written to me about their personal goals and one I see quite often is “Get organized,” specifically, “Getrepparttar house in order.” When I ask what obstacles are in their way,repparttar 129113 most common response is “procrastination.”

Byrepparttar 129114 time it gets torepparttar 129115 point of showing up on a goals list, household organization has been neglected so much thatrepparttar 129116 results have culminated into a mountain so big evenrepparttar 129117 bravest of us want to run inrepparttar 129118 opposite direction!

Procrastination is oftenrepparttar 129119 by-product of fear. We may perceive something to be so big or unattainable that we become overwhelmed and immobile.

Getting organized doesn’t mean you have to take on that mountain in one grand leap. Just start plugging along at your own speed with small steps and look only a few feet ahead at a time.

Maybe you’ve let things slide a little more than you wanted and you’d rather have a dump truck and backhoe come in and haul everything away, but it doesn’t have to be that extreme.

The best way to get going is START SMALL. Little 15-30 minute jobs are a great way to start, and they might be all you need to get your organizational energy in motion.

A few examples of little jobs might be:

1) Clean out your medicine cabinet. Unless you’re a pharmaceutical distributor, your medicine cabinet should not take up a large portion of your home. It provides a small area to focus your time and attention on. Go through your containers and throw out all expired medications.

2) If you don’t want to miss your favorite TV show, why not sort through all of your expired catalogues and magazines while you’re watching? Dig them out, put them onrepparttar 129120 coffee table and sort them into two piles: expired and current. When your show is over or during commercial break, take your expired catalogues out to your recycling box and put your current ones back where they belong.

3) Ifrepparttar 129121 catalogues were sorted duringrepparttar 129122 first half of your show, haul out your purse or wallet and start cleaning it out forrepparttar 129123 second half. You would be amazed atrepparttar 129124 out-dated business cards, receipts, expired credit cards and old phone numbers you have no need for anymore.

4) Pick a cupboard/cabinet in your kitchen or garage that is overflowing and focus on it only. Don’t worry aboutrepparttar 129125 other ten. Pickrepparttar 129126 one you feel you can tackle now, roll up your sleeves and get in there.

5) Tellrepparttar 129127 kids they have been selected for a very important mission. There is a family in town who have little or no money and their children have absolutely no toys of their own to play with. Ask your children if they would be willing to gather toys they no longer have an interest in to give to those less fortunate. They have half an hour to make their selections and place them in a designated area so you can review their choices. This done, you can box everything up and donate it to a local charity or family(ies) in need.

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