5 Huge Resume Mistakes

Written by James North

Here arerepparttar 5 reasons why resumes are rejected. Please use this as a checklist to confirm that your resume does not fall into any of these traps.

1. All Features, no Benefits Make sure you market yourself by highlightingrepparttar 131123 benefits that you can offer torepparttar 131124 job and company. If you fail to market yourself, no one else will market you. Your resume is your first and last chance. Unfortunately, if you have few or no benefits or if your benefits are hidden away in some dark dingy backwater on line 200 of your resume,repparttar 131125 reader will give up long before reaching there.

Readrepparttar 131126 Job Description and Person Spec. thoroughly. Reflect onrepparttar 131127 essential and desirable skills and your experiences pertaining torepparttar 131128 vacancy. Then you should turn to your features and consider how each one relates torepparttar 131129 skills required AND how you can convert your features into benefits.

Remember an effective resume is a marketing tool...your most POWERFUL one when it comes torepparttar 131130 job search.

Attributes like, "excellent interpersonal skills" are a FEATURE (of you). Whatrepparttar 131131 employer is interested in is "what's in it for me?" if I interview you...."being able to communicate patiently and clearly with customers" isrepparttar 131132 BENEFIT of excellent interpersonal skills.

"A driving license," is a FEATURE, "willing to travel to clients," isrepparttar 131133 BENEFIT.

Pack your benefits into your Statement Summary, which should be atrepparttar 131134 top of page one of your resume and lead with your USP or your BIGGEST benefit.

2. Personal Opinions It's a big no-no. Firstly, giving personal opinions will be seen byrepparttar 131135 reader as being unprofessional and something you may even do in future regarding them! Secondly, its just that...an opinion. When personal opinions are stated on a resume, it can come across as moaning. If there is something unflattering...omit it.

In an interview, you will be able to explain things from your resume and it sounds a lot better then than through a few coarse sentences on a resume.

3. Inadequate or Outdated Contact Details It is surprising how many candidates give no contact details or give an old phone number, email address or postal address. This is simply because they have not proof read their resume adequately. Other candidates, give a means of contact such as an email address or phone number that they check irregularly. Only give out contact details that you will answer directly or check regularly (preferably 3 or 4 times a day). It is oftenrepparttar 131136 difference between an interview and a rejection.

4. Spelling and Grammatical Errors Proof read once for spelling, once for grammar, again for general content and once again for flow. Never try to proof read once and cover everything. Most candidates do try this, but unfortunately, if you adoptrepparttar 131137 "one-read-covers-all" your resume is very likely to have errors.

If you can, get a friend to read it and spell and grammar check it also. After they have read it, do they have any questions? Is anything unclear to them? Will it be unclear torepparttar 131138 recruiter? Can you amend it? What are your friend's suggestions?

Ten Universal Principles of Success

Written by Dr Kem Thompson


Success is not something that only a chosen few can achieve. Everyone can be successful in every area of his or her life. You just need to know how to do things in such a way as to make sure you succeed every time. Success comes as a result of forming certain habits, and continuing in them. Consistency is key. To succeed, you need to be a certain type of person. Don’t be discouraged if you are not yet that type of person. With practice, anyone can become a successful person. The successful person thinks in a certain way, talks in a certain way, and acts in a certain way. The list below briefly outlines 10 of those ways (and a bonus tip!). Anyone who consistently applies these principles to any area of their life will experience success in that area.

1.Vision: Have a clear picture of what exactly it is you want to achieve or become. Keep this picture atrepparttar top of your mind at all times. Doing something you want to do, because you want to do it, will motivate you to succeed at it. Start withrepparttar 131121 end in mind.

2.Believe: Believe without a shadow of a doubt that you can do it. Believe that you will succeed. Believe in a Higher Power who is helping you get what you want. Stay away from negative influences (people, books/articles, anything negative), which make you doubt your ability to succeed. Surround yourself with things that remind you that you can, and will, succeed.

3.Responsibility: Realize that you alone are responsible for your future. You alone are responsible forrepparttar 131122 outcome of your efforts. Don’t look for anyone to blame. Feel free to ask for help as you need it, but rememberrepparttar 131123 final decision is up to you. It’s your life, after all.

4.Affirm: Make a habit of saying out loud what you hope to achieve. Speak of it inrepparttar 131124 present tense, e.g., ‘I am fit and trim’, as opposed to ‘I will be fit and trim’. If you feel awkward speaking out loud to yourself, write downrepparttar 131125 affirmation. Then look at it (or better still, rewrite it) several times each day. This helps your mind stay focused onrepparttar 131126 goal. It also builds your self-belief and confidence.

5.Commitment: Make a firm commitment to action. Decide to take whatever steps you need to take to help you achieve your goals.

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