5 Forgotten Secrets to Beating Procrastination at Home

Written by Peter Murphy

It's not easy to stay motivated and beat procrastination while being at home. Too many distractions and feeling that tasks can always be delayed until tomorrow orrepparttar next day can cause procrastination at home to set in.

The phone rings, you check your e-mail, watch a little TV and before you know it procrastination at home has stolen your day and what have you accomplished?

Thenrepparttar 128962 guilt sets in and you promise yourself that tomorrow will be better, but will it?

It can be with a little creativity and organization.

1. Have a plan including some kind of schedule. Make a list ofrepparttar 128963 things you want to get done and write them down. It can be even more helpful to dividerepparttar 128964 day into thirty minute segments.

Be realistic aboutrepparttar 128965 amount of time each task will take or you will be overwhelmed by 9:00 a.m. Feel satisfied as you cross each item offrepparttar 128966 list.

2. Take care of yourself. Leave time each day for some kind of physical activity. It's good for you and can help you maintainrepparttar 128967 energy you need.

Try to get outside,repparttar 128968 fresh air and light are also good for you and can boost your immune system and allow you to remain healthy.

It's especially easy to procrastinate when you aren't feeling well. Eat nutritious meals and get enough sleep.

3. Focus onrepparttar 128969 task at hand. If you try to do too many things at once you may get discouraged and finish none of them.

3 Great Ways to Beat Procrastination at Work

Written by Peter Murphy

The issue of overcoming procrastination at work could be more important today than ever before.

As more tasks become automated due to advances in technology there is a general expectation, whether it is realistic or not, that productivity should increase as well.

Everyone seems to have more work than can possibly be done in a day and this pressure can result in feelings of being overwhelmed which in turn leads to procrastination at work which can actually decrease productivity if not properly managed.

Although there are hundreds of reasons why we procrastinate and put off difficult tasks, one ofrepparttar most common reasons people procrastinate is because they are simply overwhelmed by a task which seems too large in scope to complete. And sorepparttar 128959 natural response is simply to put off ever getting started.

There are four ways to effectively overcome procrastination in this situation...

1. Break your tasks down into multiple and smaller more manageable units and then focus on each unit moving from one torepparttar 128960 next as each task is completed.

As you complete each unit of workrepparttar 128961 success will motivate you to move on torepparttar 128962 next one.

With this being said, be careful to not lose sight ofrepparttar 128963 final objective. This leads torepparttar 128964 next tip for beating procrastination at work.

2. Do each unit or task one at a time.

A woman I know recently lost her husband. She had never worked day in her life and due torepparttar 128965 circumstances of her husband's death she was unable to collect his life insurance policy.

Being in this difficult financial situation forced her to have to find a job and to make an already difficult situation worse she had no work experience or education.

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