5 Easy Ways A Treadmill Helps You Lose Weight

Written by Kathryn O'Neill, H.BSc. NWS

So why are treadmills STILLrepparttar #1 home exercise machines with shoppers? Because they get results!

Here arerepparttar 112882 top 5 ways home treadmill workouts can help you lose weight and get into great shape!

#1: A Treadmill Helps You Burn MORE Calories by Battling Exercise Boredom

We all know that in order to lose weight, get firm and fight gravity's pull, exercise is a must! But what do you do if you don't LIKE working out?

What if you get bored or don't like logging hours inrepparttar 112883 gym with all those muscle boys or short-shorts women?

One viable option isrepparttar 112884 home treadmill, because of allrepparttar 112885 things it allows you to do to FORGET that you are exercising inrepparttar 112886 first place!

You can set it up in front ofrepparttar 112887 television and watch your favorite episode of ER or Oprah. An hour will fly by and you won't even notice that you've been walking (or running)!

Many treadmills also come with a magazine or book rack. What about walking uphill (a MEGA calorie burner) while reading your favorite mazagine or novel?

How easy is that?

Andrepparttar 112888 more you enjoy your workout (orrepparttar 112889 more you can forget that you're exercising) ,repparttar 112890 more time you'll spend burning calories on your treadmill.

#2: The Treadmill is Unmatched For Workout Versatility.

Most funky fly-by-night exercise gadgets only allow you to do one thing. One repetitive motion that your body quickly adapts to (and that means less calories burned.)

A treadmill - onrepparttar 112891 other hand - gives you a lot of workout versatility so your body continues to be challenged to burn calories.

If you're just starting an exercise program you can start with a slow walk and then speed it up as your body gets into better shape. If you're training for a marathon, you can run at a steady pace and even build in sprints.

You can power walk or do a slow steady jog. Many treadmills will let you walk uphill. Some even come with handweights so you can build in upper body exercise as well.

There are countless ways you can vary your workout with a treadmill so that you continue to challenge your body and burn calories.

#3: A Treadmill Helps You Burn MORE Calories by Increasing Your Exercise Frequency

Did you know that a new 3 year study conducted byrepparttar 112892 University of Stanford's Graduate School of Business has found that consumers are overpaying for gym services?

The study concludes that most people overestimate how often they will use their gym membership and that most don't visitrepparttar 112893 gym often enough to justify their membership costs.

Perhapsrepparttar 112894 reason may be that many people just don't haverepparttar 112895 time to go. But here's where a home treadmill can help you actually increase your workout time and frequency.

Activity + Poor Food Choices = Non Healthy Lifestyle

Written by Sue DeFiore

One ofrepparttar biggest misconceptions people have today is what constitutes a healthy lifestyle. Just because you exercise does not mean you are healthy. I hear much too often, oh, I can eat this because then I will work 30 or 40 minutes onrepparttar 112881 treadmill, jogging, walking, (fill inrepparttar 112882 blank withrepparttar 112883 exercise of choice). NO, NO, NO! Once in a while transgressions are one things, however, if you want to be healthy you need to eat healthy and exercise,repparttar 112884 two go hand in hand.

Now, think about this, if you think this way as an adult, what are you teaching your children. Yep, that is it OK to eat junk food as long as you are active. Not only that, so many parents, say well my kids eat all this stuff but don’t gain any weight, so it is OK. NO IT IS NOT! While onrepparttar 112885 surface, you think it is, it is doing major damage to both yours and your child’s body. Think high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Remember folksrepparttar 112886 old adage “you are what you eat” applies here. We all carry over what we learn in our childhood into our lives as adults. You are settingrepparttar 112887 foundation here for a lifetime of bad eating for your child. Do you really want to do that? No, I don’t think so. So you need to set an example and start eating healthier and continue to be active. Right nowrepparttar 112888 majority of children that are active are doing so through after school or organized sports activities that interest them. However, what happens when they get older, when these activities are no longer a part of his/her life. You got it, sedentary behavior because you didn’t providerepparttar 112889 role model they needed for a healthy lifestyle. You need to provide them with other choices besides just sporting activities: walking, jogging, riding, jumping rope, aerobics to name a few.

It is one of your responsibilities as a parent to teach your children about healthy eating andrepparttar 112890 importance of activity not only as a child but as they grow into adulthood. So you need to be a good role model. We have discussed in other articles, takingrepparttar 112891 stairs instead ofrepparttar 112892 elevator, and walking fromrepparttar 112893 far end ofrepparttar 112894 parking lot. Joining a gym or having exercise equipment (bikes, trampolines, DVDs) in your home. One ofrepparttar 112895 cutest things is for a young child to watch their mom or dad watching a video or working out on a piece of exercise equipment and trying to emulate them. What a perfect opportunity for you to show them how to dance, jog, jump rope so they can do something right along with you.

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