50 Benefits Of Joint Venture Marketing

Written by Gunnar Berglund

What Is A Joint Venture?

A joint venture is an agreement in which two or more businesses work on a project for a set period of time. Joint ventures can be long-term, like promoting a product together, or some can be short-term, like bartering (trading) products and services. Joint venture ideas are virtually endless.

The Benefits Of Joint Venture Marketing

1. You can build long lasting business relationships. 2. You can increase your credibility by teaming up with other reputable, branded businesses. 3. You can get free products and services. 4. You can construct most joint venture deals with little or no money. 5. You can gain new leads and customers. 6. You can get discounts on products and services. 7. You can save money on business operating costs. 8. You can beat your competition. 9. You can gain referrals from other businesses. 10. You can solve your business problems. 11. You can save valuable time. 12. You can get free and low cost advertising. 13. You can offer your customers new products and services. 14. You can survive a depression, recession or a slow economy. 15. You can save money by sharing advertising and marketing costs. 16. You can target other potential markets. 17. You can expand and grow your business quickly. 18. You can gain valuable information or skills. 19. You can increase and protect your cash flow. 20. You can find new profit outlets. 21. You can become rich and wealthy. 22. You can start almost any business at little or no costs. 23. You can get rid of your extra inventory. 24. You can reduce and eliminate your debts and avoid bankruptcy. 25. You can afford to sell your products at a lower

Who is Your Guru?

Written by Jeff Mulligan

The other day I was talking to a guy atrepparttar health club I joined. (Never had time when I was working for someone else.)

We started talking about our personal trainers. If you aren't familiar withrepparttar 120118 term, these are fitness experts who are educated to design work-out routines based on an individual's strengths, needs, and goals.

Anyway, Rick said something that truck me right betweenrepparttar 120119 eyes. "I got so confused reading allrepparttar 120120 books and fitness magazines. Everyone has a different opinion of what worksrepparttar 120121 best. I finally figured if I was going to work out, I might as well pick one expert, listen to them and follow their program."

Later, as I was driving my sore body home, I thought about how appropriate Rick's comment was to Marketing.

Everyone's an expert. (Even people who have yet to sell their first eBook.) And there are a million programs, books, secrets, techniques and tactics that will work for you.

The problem is, you can easily fall into what my favorite business school professor called, "Analysis Paralysis".

That's where a lot of people are stuck.

They keep reading, and it gets inrepparttar 120122 way of actually doing something.

***** I was guilty *****

I was guilty of this, too. I must have bought several hundred dollars worth of books and courses before I found what worked for me.

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