500 to Unlimited: The New E-Z-MRP Business Model

Written by Rocky Smolin

E-Z-MRP,repparttar leading manufacturing software system for small manufacturers, announced effective April 15th, there will be a new pricing and product structure. According to Rocky Smolin, founder of Beach Access Software, makers of E-Z-MRP, “We see a distinction between those small manufacturers with less than five hundred parts in material resource planning, and those with a need for unlimited part numbers.”

Smolin noted that some manufacturers will start withrepparttar 102813 under 500 parts version of E-Z-MRP, priced at $2995, and grow intorepparttar 102814 new unlimited version, priced at $9800. Beach Access Software creditsrepparttar 102815 $2995 for customers who later choose to upgrade. Other small manufacturers who presently have more than five hundred part will start right away withrepparttar 102816 E-Z-MRP Unlimited version.

Small manufacturers with more than one hundred parts can no longer managerepparttar 102817 manufacturing process on an Excel spreadsheet. Since more than 84% of all manufacturers have less than fifty employees, there is a remarkable opportunity for cost-effective manufacturing systems like E-Z-MRP. Despiterepparttar 102818 extensive media coverage regarding ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), in most cases these small manufacturers do not require allrepparttar 102819 functionality offered, nor can many affordrepparttar 102820 price point.

Blogging for Business

Written by Amitabh Shukla

Business blogs are primarily used to improve a company's communication both internally and externally. Business blogs are a type of communication channel that could be used effectively in product launches, team interaction internally withinrepparttar company or interaction between clients and company. Withrepparttar 102812 level of interactivity blogs provide, clients feel more confident inrepparttar 102813 company. Not to mentionrepparttar 102814 amount of traffic it brings torepparttar 102815 main site.

Personal and business blogs: What is difference between two?

There is not much of difference between personal and business blogs visually but there is a fine difference between them in terms of reputation and brand attached.

Business blogs should be well planned before hand. Companies can't afford to just walk away after launching their blog. Business blog has to be successful. Constant and consistent posts arerepparttar 102816 rule ofrepparttar 102817 game. Blogsphere is full of best writers and faster one learns their rule, better for them. Companies can't just rely onrepparttar 102818 fact that they are market leaders in their business so they will be successful with their blogs too.

The postings on business blog should be open and should portray personality ofrepparttar 102819 writer andrepparttar 102820 company. The postings on business blogs should be very informal, and should be written in first person voice. Posts should be informative and relevant with an expert touch to it.

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