4 Ways In Which You Can Spoil Your Dog Rotten

Written by Mark Eckenrode

4 Ways In Which You Can Spoil Your Dog Rotten by Mark Eckenrode

You spoil your pooch as close to rotten as you can get, don’t you? Hey, who doesn’t? It’s almost impossible not to, with those adorable, big, beautiful eyes,repparttar little lashes,repparttar 139734 soft fur just behindrepparttar 139735 ears… they almost beg to be spoiled. But what can you really do? There are all of those new doggie day spas, doggie day cares, and other doggie luxury services, but how often can you really afford things like that? I mean, most people rarely have enough cash inrepparttar 139736 bank to get themselves a surprise manicure and pedicure, much less spring for their pups to get a quadripedicure. You give her a few scratches behindrepparttar 139737 ears, rub her belly, and maybe give her a massage and splurge on some gourmet treats, but you have to pay rent and eat each month. Your budget just doesn’t allow for constant spoiling of your dog…

1. Or does it?

You can makerepparttar 139738 shampoos, fragrances, and skin conditionersrepparttar 139739 doggie day spas use whenever you want for a lot less money than you think. Wouldn’t your pup love to have an at-home spa treatment? Give these recipes a shotrepparttar 139740 next time you want to pamper that pup:

2. Aromatic Dry Shampoo

250 ml (1 cup) cornmeal 250 ml (1 cup) baby/talcum powder 5 ml (1 tsp) rosemary 5 ml (1 tsp) lavender

Combine all ofrepparttar 139741 ingredients in a large, airtight container and let them sit overnight. This will allowrepparttar 139742 rosemary and lavender to scentrepparttar 139743 other two ingredients lightly. When ready, sprinkle generously over your dog and brush it into her fur by working your fingers againstrepparttar 139744 lay of her coat. Once it’s worked in thoroughly, use your fingers or a hard rubber brush to massage her coat inrepparttar 139745 direction ofrepparttar 139746 fur but working in circles. Brush untilrepparttar 139747 mixture is completely out ofrepparttar 139748 coat. Your baby will smell great,repparttar 139749 powder and cornmeal help absorb excess oil and dirt to clean her, and she won’t have had to go throughrepparttar 139750 trauma of having a full bath! How great is that?

3. Herbal Shampoo

470 ml (2 cups) purified water 10 ml (1 tbsp) rosemary 10 ml (1 tbsp) orange zest 30 ml (2 tbsp) chamomile 10 ml (1 tbsp) lavender oil 120 ml (1/2 cup) baby shampoo

Bring water to a boil, then remove from heat. Add all ofrepparttar 139751 herbs, coverrepparttar 139752 dish, and allow it to steep overnight. Strainrepparttar 139753 mixture and stir inrepparttar 139754 oils, then gently addrepparttar 139755 shampoo until well-mixed. This shampoo should be kept refrigerated for freshness when not in use, but use about 2 tablespoons every time you wash your dog for a sweet-smelling, great treat for both of you. Don’t forget to give her a little massage while you’re rubbing it in!

3 Tips For Dealing With Dog Emergencies

Written by Mark Eckenrode

3 Tips For Dealing With Dog Emergencies by Mark Eckenrode

Have you ever thought about what you need to do should your dog – or another dog – ever suffer a serious, life-threatening injury? What if they have a severe allergy to an insect bite or a bee sting? It’s great to know your vet’s phone number, but what if something happens during off hours? What if you don’t know whererepparttar closest emergency animal clinic is located?

Augh! Enough withrepparttar 139733 questions already, right? Any emergency is stressful and scary, and one involving that furry little four-legged member of your family is no exception. The toughest of owners can be instantly reduced to helpless balls of mush if something’s wrong with their dogs and they can’t figure out what to do.

1. Preparation is key.

The key to getting through a veterinary emergency is preparation. You may think you have that covered with a first aid kit and havingrepparttar 139734 phone number to your vet handy, but what if there isn’t enough time to move your dog? You need to be well-versed in some ofrepparttar 139735 more common animal emergencies just in case a situation ever arises. And hey, if a situation never arises, you’ll still feel more confident knowing that you haverepparttar 139736 ability to deal with one.

2. Know how to care for wounds.

Did you know that you shouldn’t use hydrogen peroxide on a bleeding wound? Nope. It slows clotting torepparttar 139737 area, which means your dog could actually lose more blood than he would if you didn’t userepparttar 139738 peroxide at all. In fact,repparttar 139739 best way to treat a deep, severely bleeding wound is to apply a clean cloth and hold it in place for five minutes, then taperepparttar 139740 cloth torepparttar 139741 wound. That original cloth should never be removed – that also slows clotting – and should instead be layered with more clean cloths if blood soaks through.

3. Know what to do about poisoning.

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