4 Simple Steps To Success

Written by Cyndi Smasal

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar signature box is included.

Thanks, Cyndi Smasal

Word Count: 289 words at 65 characters per line


4 Simple Steps To Success Cyndi Smasal (c) 2002

What if success had very little to do with what you DO?

Stop and think for a moment about a typical day, week, or month. How much of your time is spent on activities that really matter? If you're like most people, less than 20% of your time is spent doingrepparttar 123639 things that matterrepparttar 123640 most. So if your not spending most of your time doing things that make you successful, what determines your success?

To answer this look a little deeper and think about who you are. You are a human-being, not a human-doing. What you do at work is not who you are. Success has more to do with who you are than what you do.

Stop and think about who you want to BE (not just what you want to do). What makes someone successful? What makes you successful?

Most ofrepparttar 123641 successful people I coach are: * Passionate - love what they do * Persistent - never give up * Patient - have a long-term (future) perspective * Positive - look onrepparttar 123642 bright side of things

Easy Way to Achieve Your Goals

Written by Cyndi Smasal

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar signature box is included.

Thanks, Cyndi Smasal

Word Count: 313 words at 65 characters per line


Easy Way to Achieve Your Goals Cyndi Smasal (c) 2002

What accomplishments do you takerepparttar 123638 most pride in?

My favorite feeling is accomplishment. Is there anything better than thinking, "I'm finished - mission accomplished"? Think back torepparttar 123639 accomplishments in which you takerepparttar 123640 most pride.

What did you accomplish? How did you accomplish it? What did you do specifically to accomplish it? What strengths did you use? What steps did you follow? What did you get out ofrepparttar 123641 accomplishment?

When you take time to reflect on your past accomplishments, you learn from what went right. The lessons learned will help you achieve your future goals.

Now think ahead torepparttar 123642 goals you still have.

What do you specifically want to accomplish inrepparttar 123643 future? How will you know when you've accomplished it? Is this a realistic and achievable goal or is it far fetched? How does this goal relate to your lifetime goals? By when do you want to achieve this goal? What will achieving this goal do for you? What steps do you need to take to achieve it?

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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