4 Secret Ways to Stop Procrastinating

Written by Peter Murphy

Ever wonder how to stop procrastinating?

Here is a good example...

I was recently talking with a friend who said, "You know, I need to have guests over to my house more often." "Why is that?" I asked. "Because that seems to berepparttar only time I really clean my house," she responded.

Isn't thatrepparttar 128968 truth! Deadlines and commitments have a wonderful way of forcing us to get things done which have to be done. It is easy to procrastinate about doing something when there is no one to hold you accountable.

Think about it!

You may berepparttar 128969 worst procrastinator on earth about certain things like housework or dreaded work projects but chances are you file your tax return on time ever year.

This is becauserepparttar 128970 federal government has placed a deadline on filing tax returns and they hold us accountable if they are not done.

If you want to stop procrastinating in your life try setting yourself deadlines for projects you have been putting off and finding ways to hold yourself accountable for meeting these deadlines.

Here are some ideas of how you can use this strategy to stop procrastinating at home and in your work.

1. Write it Down.

The act of simply deciding when you plan to complete a task and writing it down on your calendar can be very effective in creating a sense of a deadline.

2. Schedule something that forces you to take action.

For example, invite guests over to your house. If you have been putting off cleaningrepparttar 128971 house this will force you to clean and put things in order.

7 Magical Ways To Stop Procrastination

Written by Peter Murphy

What can you do to stop procrastination when it won't let you finish a job?

There are a number of techniques to help you stop procrastination once and for all. If you can stop procrastination in your life just think about what you could accomplish and how much better you would feel.

People who procrastinate in excess are prone to feelings of guilt, anxiety and powerlessness. Why does procrastination occur?

It could be as a result of not wanting to do things or of not being able to do things. It could also be a result of fear. Many of us fear failure as well as success. Still others procrastinate simply because it works for them.

Procrastination is not something we should live with. When procrastination occurs, nothing gets done. And when nothing gets done due to procrastination, that's when we feel down and worthless.

Feeling this way may be avoided with a number of techniques designed to stop procrastination:

1. You can stop procrastination by getting organized. Being unorganized leads to chaos and feelings of being overwhelmed. Stop procrastination by organizing your life.

2. Breakdown tasks into manageable units to stop procrastination. Smaller tasks are less overwhelming that large jobs.

3. Have discipline. Allow your desire for success to overcome your desire to put things off.

4. Positive motivation. Talk yourself up with encouraging quotes. Even very successful people feed their minds with positive input each day.

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