4 Reasons to Work for Yourself

Written by Arthur Cooper

4 Reasons to Work for Yourself By Arthur Cooper (c) Copyright 2003

Almost everybody working as a paid employee of someone else must at some time or another wished they were their own boss. Nearly everyone at some time or another thinks that they could run things better if they were in charge. Whether in a shop, in an office, in a factory, - wherever – most people at some point think about becoming self employed.

For many it is just a passing thought, and they remain perfectly happy working as employees. Some of course rise to high positions of responsibility within companies owned by other individuals or by public shareholders.

For others it becomes a real obsession and they makerepparttar break and go off to run their own businesses with greater or lesser degrees of success. They are fulfilling their dream.

Still more, though, continue to dream and to wish but never take action. They never makerepparttar 105042 break. If you are still wavering, here are just some ofrepparttar 105043 reasons to consider why you might prefer to work for yourself.

1.Freedom and Responsibility

As your own boss you are free to do as you like. Nobody is there to order you to do what you don’t want to do. No-one will tell you to arrive early or work late. You won’t have to dorepparttar 105044 menial and routine tasks that need doing if you don’t want to. You won’t have to be nice to unpleasant customers if you don’t want to. You have total freedom to do as you want.

But of courserepparttar 105045 other side ofrepparttar 105046 coin is responsibility. It comes withrepparttar 105047 freedom. You are free not to do certain tasks, but it is you that is responsible forrepparttar 105048 consequences. You choose. Nobody forces you. You decide what is worth doing and what is not. And once you have that freedom of action it is surprising what you will happily do that you would not have done before.

Why do so many self employed people work long hours and sometimes do apparently menial tasks without complaint? It is not just because they are struggling to make ends meet. Many very successful self employed people continue to do these things. It is becauserepparttar 105049 whole game has changed for them. They enjoyrepparttar 105050 challenge of building their businesses. They see that what they do now will benefit them later. They take pride in what they are doing. The same task becomes so much more satisfying when working for themselves.


Yes. This can be a real motivator. Very few people achieve real wealth by working for someone else.

Certainly you can earn a very good salary indeed in some companies and achieve a high material standard of living. Atrepparttar 105051 very top of big enterprises financial rewards can be large. Nevertheless,repparttar 105052 really big jackpots are hit by men and women who start up their own businesses.

But lets be realistic. The big jackpots andrepparttar 105053 huge fortunes are few. Most of those who run their own concerns will never be amongstrepparttar 105054 super rich. Some may never achieve more than a very modest living. But make no mistake, money is there to be made andrepparttar 105055 chances of making it working in your own business are far more than if you are working for someone else. It isrepparttar 105056 same old story. Risk and reward. If you takerepparttar 105057 risk you have a chance of gettingrepparttar 105058 rewards. If you don’t takerepparttar 105059 risk you don’t get that chance.

Eight is Enough!

Written by Brett M. Stevens

Top Candidates are still moving quickly inrepparttar marketplace. The above average candidate is still moving from resume to hire in about 3 weeks.

For example we have seen a well-known company slow downrepparttar 105041 hiring process 5 months for lower level positions. The number of interviews increased from 3 interviews to as many as 8 interviews. Almost everyone related torepparttar 105042 position was included inrepparttar 105043 hiring process creating very different thoughts onrepparttar 105044 candidate's "fit" inrepparttar 105045 organization.


 Job Requirements change asrepparttar 105046 search continues.  Salary requirements are not compatible with talent required  Companies forget to truly "recruit"repparttar 105047 candidate  Peak, maximum effectiveness of interviews diminishes after 3 interviews  Companies are losing top talent due to long, drawn-out interview processes. Candidates are being scooped up by your competition (or by companies that have an effective, streamlined hiring process).  Prolonged interview processes can be perceived as indecisiveness thus turning off top potential hires.

Interviewing costs are now exceeding an average of $27,000 per hire, and can take more then 3 months to complete. Having position open for an extended period of time can cost companies as much as $1 million dollars in 6-9 months for some sales positions.

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