40 Days and 40 Nights in the Wilderness with Venus

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

Venus,repparttar planet, goes retrograde (backwards) less frequently than Mercury, about every 18 months, and lasts 40 days. Because it is less frequent, it is more difficult to understand and wreaks more havoc than a Mercury retrograde. Mercury affects communication. Venus affects possessions, relationships, women’s issues and most of all values. Venus asks, “What is it that you really value?”

Many astrologers also believe that Venus affectsrepparttar 122364 stock market. The next Venus retrograde period begins May 17, 2004. Also check back to October 10, 2002 to see what was happening in your life duringrepparttar 122365 last Venus retrograde so you can draw some conclusions as to how you handle these transits.

A client wrote me during an earlier Venus Retrograde: “I've been reading your eZines and wondering whatrepparttar 122366 ‘difficult time’ we are all having is. Then, I experienced it with a deep, fast plunge torepparttar 122367 bottom complete with a few extra bumps to round outrepparttar 122368 full force of impact. Whew! I haven't been down here in awhile. ”

A student in my ongoing Tuesday night astrology class wanted to know, “How can a dinky little inner planet like Venus cause so much trouble?”

Well, these are very good questions.

The answer is partly imbedded inrepparttar 122369 relationship ofrepparttar 122370 planet Venus torepparttar 122371 esoteric properties ofrepparttar 122372 Number 5. Let’s take a closer look at this planet, Venus andrepparttar 122373 Number 5!

The physical planet of Venus (inrepparttar 122374 sky tonight) is a strange amalgam. Named afterrepparttar 122375 Roman Goddess of Love, nonetheless, she is surrounded by such a noxious yellow atmosphere that life is impossible (permanent greenhouse effect). It doesn’t surprise us, then, to know thatrepparttar 122376 Roman goddess herself had several epithets. One of them was “Venus ofrepparttar 122377 Sewers”. Venus also rules venereal disease.

The ancient Aztecs had a Venutian goddess who walkedrepparttar 122378 earth as a man forrepparttar 122379 40 days ofrepparttar 122380 retrograde cycle. The warlike Aztecs declared war when Venus went retrograde.

These are some of our clues as to what lies beneathrepparttar 122381 surface of a Venus retrograde transit and why it can be so disruptive on a very personal level.

In transit, Venus goes retrograde five times over a period of eight years, coming back torepparttar 122382 same sign in which she started atrepparttar 122383 end of five 584-day cycles (or eight years). This is Venus’ cycle to herself. She is working her way in stations back throughrepparttar 122384 zodiac, 2 to 3 degrees earlier in each sign, each time.

The stations of Venus form a quintile (five-ish) pattern againstrepparttar 122385 backdrop ofrepparttar 122386 zodiac. A diagram of Venus stations across a horoscope actually makes an image like a pentagram.

The quintile aspect reminds us ofrepparttar 122387 other quin in astrology --repparttar 122388 quincunx aspect (signs that are 5 houses before and after one another). As every astrologer worth her salt knows,repparttar 122389 quincunx isrepparttar 122390 most difficult aspect of all to reconcile within an individual’s chart (psyche). It is also very difficult to “read” in a chart other than saying there are “irreconcilable differences”. There are certainly good ways forrepparttar 122391 professional to interpret this aspect but that isn't withinrepparttar 122392 scope of this article.

For a good grip onrepparttar 122393 qualities ofrepparttar 122394 Number 5, take a look atrepparttar 122395 “fives” inrepparttar 122396 Tarot deck. The Fives are ruled byrepparttar 122397 Major Arcana V, The Hierophant,repparttar 122398 Teacher of Hard Life Lessons.

One ofrepparttar 122399 meanings expressed byrepparttar 122400 Hierophant is that apparently there are some things in life that can only be learned inrepparttar 122401 School of Hard Knocks. People with a #5 Birth Force learn through doing not by reading books or listening to lectures.

Five is also known mystically asrepparttar 122402 "Number of Man". It representsrepparttar 122403 ability of man to understand things of an esoteric nature and is most familiarly represented inrepparttar 122404 drawing of Leonard DaVinci showing a male figure with arms and legs spread against a circular background. I remember seeing a very dramatic presentation of Marlowe’s Faust in San Diego where this figure was cast in stagelights acrossrepparttar 122405 floor ofrepparttar 122406 Dr. Faust’s study asrepparttar 122407 curtain opened and Our Hero”Everyman/Faust began his mythical struggle with his own nature.

There is a good book written for professional astrologers about retrograde cycles, including Venus Retrograde, called “Retrograde Planets” by Erin Sullivan, published by Penguin Books in 1992 which explainsrepparttar 122408 basic characteristics of Venus as she “turns her back” on us. The effects of this transit are amongrepparttar 122409 most difficult to predict (and describe) perhaps because it is one ofrepparttar 122410 very most unique and personal to each individual. This makes generalities very difficult.

Having Eyes to See

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

We begin our spiritual development by taking ourselves apart and putting ourselves back together againrepparttar right way. We review many observations and conclusions made in childhood and revise our conclusions based on new evidence.

In a small town inrepparttar 122363 Midwest, nearrepparttar 122364 turn ofrepparttar 122365 century, a boy named Robert grew up onrepparttar 122366 wrong side ofrepparttar 122367 tracks. He wore hand-me-down. His parents couldn’t afford to get him a haircut. The other kids teased him. People whispered that his father was irresponsible and had too many kids.

Robert worerepparttar 122368 shame of his father’s poverty and yet he was very spiritual. One day a revival came to town. His grandparents took him torepparttar 122369 revival tent where many people heard Jesus call them personally for. The energy at a revival is “contagious”. After a few people getrepparttar 122370 ball rolling,repparttar 122371 rest will join in. Sometimes it’s a genuine calling but sometimes it’s just so as not to be left out.

Back atrepparttar 122372 revival, people were gettingrepparttar 122373 call, but that night nothing happened torepparttar 122374 Robert. Rather than going along withrepparttar 122375 crowd, Robert did not joinrepparttar 122376 throng of people who came forward for baptism because he did not feel Jesus call him inside.

This would be a matter-of-fact story except for one thing. Onrepparttar 122377 way home, Robert, who genuinely believed that something authentic had happened to all others inrepparttar 122378 revival tent, came torepparttar 122379 conclusion that Jesus had not called him because he was not worthy.

Robert didn’t check out his “thesis” with anyone any more than most children do and forrepparttar 122380 rest of his life, he felt rejected and shamed. Even Jesus did not want a poor boy.

There is a happy ending to this story. Robert grew up to be a well known and successful psychologist in La Mesa, California. He had a great professional and personal life, a very long and happy marriage. Robert was well to do and was respected inrepparttar 122381 community. He often spoke atrepparttar 122382 big Unity (metaphysical) Church in San Diego. I am not telling you a story he has not told publicly many times. Robert went through a healing process to understand that as a boy he had added 2 + 2 and gotten nonsense.

As children, we putrepparttar 122383 world together as best we can. As adults, it is our gift to ourself to return as an adult to some of our bigger decisions and connectrepparttar 122384 dots again properly if necessary.

I would like to give you another example that is a little more sophisticated. It has to do withrepparttar 122385 way being unconscious can keep us from seeing things plainly before our eyes.

Inrepparttar 122386 40s and 50s, it was considered glamorous or “manly”, to smoke. I know I could hardly wait! Louis Armstrong, King George VI of England, Betty Davis, Clark Gable, Babe Ruth and Humphrey Bogart all smoked heavily in public and in their films. They died in their mid-fifties of smoke related diseases such as lung cancer and emphysema. In a horrifying and ironic twist of fate, even Wayne McLaren,repparttar 122387 celebrated “Marlborough Man”, died of lung cancer atrepparttar 122388 very early age of 51. Smoking was considered glamorous and I planned to start as soon as I could.

Likerepparttar 122389 boy Robert, I did not have eyes to see. I looked at Humphrey Bogart and was told how sophisticated he was rather than noticing what was plainly before my eyes. “This man is a walking cadaver.”

A new trend in consciousness raising about smoking began in 1968 when William Talman made a shocking public service announcement forrepparttar 122390 American Cancer Society. Talman had played Hamilton Burger onrepparttar 122391 tv series, Perry Mason. He was dying of lung cancer at 53, leaving behind a wife and 6 young children. According to Barron H. Lerner, a Columbia University professor [Globe Newspaper Company], Talman’s message won praise among viewers, many of whom vividly remembered it for decades and credited it for getting them to quite smoking.

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