3 Secrets to Developing Superior People Skills

Written by Peter Murphy

1. If What You Are Doing Is Not Working Change Your Approach

When I was in school I always had a small group of close friends but I never found it easy meeting new people. Byrepparttar time I reluctantly enteredrepparttar 129698 work force it was clear that my communication skills were limiting my progress.

The fact that I was as capable or even more capable than my peers meant little when I was unable to create a favorable impression.

I needed to become a lot more confident, dynamic and charming.

And I did. I changed my approach once I learned how to by studying advanced communication skills.

What would have happened if I did not change my approach? Year after year I would have become more and more frustrated and bitter.

I could easily have adoptedrepparttar 129699 world view that nothing ever works out for me and before long I would have spent most of my time with other negative people.

Things do not change until you change. Doing nothing is not an option in case you actually think it is. The trend will continue and reach its natural conclusion until you changerepparttar 129700 trend.

Decide to change and look for answers. The clock is ticking. Andrepparttar 129701 time to begin is now.

2. Learn From People Who Get Results

It is easy to get advice when you have a problem. Everyone has an opinion! However unless that person has proven expertise in that area be careful about following his advice.

Onrepparttar 129702 other hand when you want to become better at something all you really need to do is to open your eyes. Who do you know who excels at that activity? Who has already solved that problem in their own life?

Recently I was walking around town with a friend who invests in property. Now a lot of people own their own home and even a second home. This man is different. He owns several million dollars worth of residential property and a hotel.

Maybe he would be a good person to talk to if you want to learn how to make money in property!

As we walked around I asked him lots and lots of questions. He is very patient with me! I was amazed how much I could learn in minutes just by askingrepparttar 129703 right questions of someone withrepparttar 129704 right answers.

Say Adios to the Fear of Rejection!

Written by Peter Murphy

Do you ever get an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach when you have to approach someone?

In situations like this does your mind go blank?

This is not unusual. That feeling is oftenrepparttar fear of rejection.

When you feel afraid your emotions take over, you feel tense and your ability to think logically vanishes into thin air.

And that is why you can talk to close friends without a care inrepparttar 129696 world but never know what to say when you meet new people. i.e. emotions cloud your thinking.

What isrepparttar 129697 answer to this challenge?

You need to take charge ofrepparttar 129698 fear of rejection:

1. Imaginerepparttar 129699 worst case scenario.

Run it through in your mind. How will you handle rejection if it does happen?

Our fears often take on a life of their own. However when you can stop for a moment and plan in advance, whatever does happen is usually not so bad after all.

Once you accept this you will feel more relaxed and better able to deal with what does happen.

2. Decide what rejection means

When we react emotionally to rejection we can usually come up with some awful reasons why people reject us, such as:

- People dislike me - I am a failure - I am not worthy of their approval - I am not good with people

These limiting thoughts are only making things worse for you. Andrepparttar 129700 strange thing is that only you can choose what rejection means for you.

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