3 Secret Blueprints For Increasing Your Traffic!

Written by Larry Dotson

1) Create a free e-zine directory. You'll attract a lot of traffic from e-zine publishers and people who want to subscribe torepparttar e-zines. Your listings could include name, subscription instructions, publisher’s name, etc. Of course you could put your own e-zine listing atrepparttar 125008 top of your directory to get extra exposure.

2) When you offer a freebie from your site, submit it to freebie sites. They provide target categories which mean targeted traffic. So if you're submitting software, you could submit it torepparttar 125009 "free software" section. Just remember, some freebie sites want you to link to their web site before they will list your freebie submission.

"People Love Pop Up Windows"

Written by Michael J. McGroarty

I know you don't believe me, but it is true. People really do love pop up windows!

Think about it.

I get all kinds of E-mail messages from people telling me how much they enjoy my web site, and how fortunate they were to find it. Some of them even tell me that God must have sent them there. That's how happy they are to have found it.

I drive a lot of traffic to my web site with pop up windows, butrepparttar strategy that I use is rather unique. If you'd like see exactly what I do visit this page on my web site: http://www.homemadebooklets.com/The-Secret.htm

Now, think about what you just read. I get a lot of E-mail from people telling me how much they love my web site, and one of repparttar 125007 tools I use to drive traffic to my web site is are pop up windows.

Dorepparttar 125008 people that send me those E-mail messages love pop up windows? They sure loverepparttar 125009 one that sent them torepparttar 125010 web site that offersrepparttar 125011 information that they have been desperately searching for!

People are quirky characters, and I leadrepparttar 125012 quirky parade.

You can not believe what people tell you about themselves!

When you ask people, they will tell you that they hate pop up windows. But what they really mean, is that they hate pop up windows that don't interest them.

I'll give you a good example of what I mean.

My sister has a web site, and she will emphatically tell you that she hates pop up windows. And she believes what she is saying. But I'm here to tell you that it just is not true. As a matter of fact, I'll bet you $100. that I could put a pop up window on my web site that she would absolutely, positively, click on.

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