3 Quick Herbal Remedies

Written by Tony Newton

In recent yearsrepparttar issue of Alternative Healing has skyrocketed torepparttar 137360 forefront ofrepparttar 137361 medical field. A 2004 government survey concluded that more than one third of adults use alternative medicine and healing.

One facet of this burgeoning interest is Herbal Medicine. While it may seem "trendy" to some, Herbal Medicine has been around for thousands of years. In fact, many of repparttar 137362 familiar pharmaceutical medications we use today were originally created from "natural" ingredients.

Drugs like opium (from poppies), aspirin (from willow bark), digitalis (from foxglove) and quinine (fromrepparttar 137363 cinchona tree.) Interestingly,repparttar 137364 synthetic version of "aspirin" is credited withrepparttar 137365 beginning ofrepparttar 137366 pharmaceutical industry. A chemist working forrepparttar 137367 Friedrich Bayer Company in Germany createdrepparttar 137368 synthetic. The company registeredrepparttar 137369 term "aspirin" as a trademark but Bayer lostrepparttar 137370 patent rights whenrepparttar 137371 Allies seized and resold its foreign assets after World War I.

Here are 3 herbal remedies to help with popular conditions:

1. Arthritis.

The term Arthritis literally translates to "joint inflammation." If you suffer from Arthritis, chances are you have taken drugs to combatrepparttar 137372 effects or tried other "home remedies." If you haven't yet tried "Urtication," it might be helpful. The term "Urtication" comes from repparttar 137373 botanical name, Urtica dioica and dates back some 2,000 years to biblical times. Urtica dioica is "Stinging Nettle. The treatment is to grasprepparttar 137374 nettles in a gloved hand and swatrepparttar 137375 sore joints withrepparttar 137376 nettles. This may seem bizarre, butrepparttar 137377 practice has proven to be so effective for some sufferers of arthritis that they now maintain a nettle plant on their window sill.

Home Remedies for Colic

Written by Jason Rickard

You are atrepparttar end of your rope. You have tried everything underrepparttar 137353 sun to soothe your little one who is still crying non-stop. Your pediatrician gave yourepparttar 137354 diagnoses of colic and told yourepparttar 137355 condition would pass. But they have no recommendations for any type of medication. You have talked with friends that have had babies with Colic and tried all of their suggestions, but you are still staying up at night and becoming more frustrated because you can not help your new born baby.

There are a few home remedies that have proven to help babies with colic. All of these are herbs and before using them you should talk with your baby’s physician. 1.) Bryonia alba will help if your baby is irritable and shows signs of constipation. 2.) Chamomilla helps when your baby is cranky and will not stop crying. This soothesrepparttar 137356 baby that wants held constantly. 3.) Colocynthis should be used for infants with severe colic. If your baby curls up in a ball and seems to be in pain, this isrepparttar 137357 best herb for relievingrepparttar 137358 pain. 4.) Magnesia phosphorica works great also if your little one shows any sign of relieve when you place something warm on their tummy such as a hot water bottle. Pulsatilla is also good for irritable and cranky babies.

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