3 Powerful Words

Written by Michael Nicholas

I should have listened to an internet veteran back in 2000. Learn from my mistake... Allan Gardyne, of AssociatePrograms.com told me 3 powerful words that I overlooked as just too broad and simplistic... And it's important that you hear this too so you won't waste time or makerepparttar same mistake I did... His very words to me in a personal email were... "Just Get Started" I remember he went on to say that wasrepparttar 102220 most important thing... Now I bet that went right through you transparent with about zero impact - just like it hit me too, right?... But don't let those 3 powerful words disguised as too simplistic fool you... It took me almost 4 years later to catch-on and wise up. You see, I sat onrepparttar 102221 sidelines of online marketing far too long... To me all this marketing stuff seemed like a giant catch 22... I thought I needed to know a lot more than I knew atrepparttar 102222 time before I could actually get started... I felt I didn't have enough knowledge, so how could I get it all going??? Freeze - Stop - Do Not Pass Go - & Do Not Collect any Commissions! As it turns out, I was wrong in hindsight... Because marketing is momentum. It's something you build-on as you go...repparttar 102223 snowball effect. Let me stress that again... "marketing is momentum". Remember that... And while you DO need to keep expanding your knowledge in different areas - you can start implementingrepparttar 102224 things you learn as you go. And you will be surprised because alongrepparttar 102225 way you can start earning commissions while building your marketing momentum. This is something I was late to realize... Again- learn from my mistake... Just as an intern becomes a doctor or as we date beforerepparttar 102226 marriage, it should berepparttar 102227 same in marketing... We must practice doing what we want to become... It's an evolution of a process inrepparttar 102228 making... Ah...repparttar 102229 magic bullet? Not really... butrepparttar 102230 closest you will find to it... So don't just sit onrepparttar 102231 sidelines... Get out there and dorepparttar 102232 'Nike'... Let me explain more... The typical 'pondering ditch' many seem to fall into... (or

Your Home Based Affiliate Marketing Business

Written by Paul Jesse

Did you know that you can make money onrepparttar internet without ever selling anything? There are very few home based business opportunities that are easier or cost less than affiliate marketing. There are businesses and people earning thousands of dollars each year doing affiliate marketing. The business plan is simple. Your clients are already established online businesses selling a wide array of products and services. You get paid for bringing customers to your client which isrepparttar 102219 website you are an affiliate for. You then get paid either a set fee or a percentage of whatrepparttar 102220 customer buys. Some affiliate programs also pay for every time someone clicks through.

The opportunities for affiliate marketing are numerous and growing every single day. Here is how it works. The affiliate places a banner or link advertisement on their website and every time a customer clicks through fromrepparttar 102221 affiliate website torepparttar 102222 merchant site and makes a purchaserepparttar 102223 affiliate earns a commission.

It is not that difficult to find affiliate programs because it has become so profitable and popular as an internet marketing tool that almost everyone seems to be doing it. This does not mean you should settle for just any affiliate program. It is important to choose a program that is at least somewhat relevant to your website or business. This way you haverepparttar 102224 best possible chance of your customers clicking through torepparttar 102225 affiliate website. For example, if you sell cameras or photography equipment you might join an affiliate program with a company that sells photography books.

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