Written by Larry Dotson


Find strategic business partners. Look for ones that want to market torepparttar same target audience. Make sure they're not direct competition. You can look for them inrepparttar 121811 search engines.

You could introduce their product to your mailing list if in exchange they dorepparttar 121812 same for you. If they turn down your deal, offer them a percentage ofrepparttar 121813 profits you make fromrepparttar 121814 venture.


Brand your name and business by submitting your freebies to free stuff directories onrepparttar 121815 internet. Just remember to include your ad somewhere onrepparttar 121816 freebies.

There are many ways to go about this: you could submit articles with your resource box included, ebooks with your full page ad inside, software with a link to your web page link included, etc.

Three Ways to Get Repeat Sales With Follow-up Marketing

Written by Kevin Donlin

If you have customers, that's good.

If you can sell them repeatedly over time, that's better!

Actively pursuing repeat sales, also known as backend sales, is one ofrepparttar most profitable things you can do for your small business.

Here are three ways to do it ...

1. Say, "Thank you" Start with a simple thank-you letter. Ask yourself this -- when'srepparttar 121810 last time you got a thank-you letter from a company after giving them your money? I'll bet you can't remember. Seerepparttar 121811 possibilities for standing out and generating good will?

I created an email template so I don't have to writerepparttar 121812 same thank-you email over and over. It literally takes seconds for me to send one out to each client.

A heartfelt "thank you" is all you really have to say, but you can go a bit further in your message, by doingrepparttar 121813 following:

reinforce why it was a good idea to buy from you inrepparttar 121814 first place -- sell your company afterrepparttar 121815 sale to cut down on buyer's remorse and returns/refunds offer another product or service to complement their original purchase; you can make this a limited-time offer, as I do (see my example thank-you email below) refer customers to affiliate programs at other Web sites that pay you anticipate frequently asked questions (FAQ) and tell customers how they can get service afterrepparttar 121816 sale ask for referrals Simply sending a thank-you message afterrepparttar 121817 sale will help nip service problems inrepparttar 121818 bud. By acknowledging people who buy from you and opening a channel of communication, you can turn unhappy customers into raving fans who later recommend your business.

Really, when you think of it,repparttar 121819 only thing that differentiates your business -- online or off -- is service.

Yes, it's crucial to haverepparttar 121820 highest-quality product/service possible. But what customers remember (and what they tell their friends) is how they were treated. You can setrepparttar 121821 tone for a positive, profitable relationship with all your customers simply by thanking them right after they purchase from you.

2. Send a survey Customer feedback, negative or positive, is a crucial tool for fixing holes in your business. You can get that feedback via an online survey.

As of this writing, you can get one free at Zoomerang (www.zoomerang.com/). I've used them for over a year and highly recommend their survey creator.

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