3 Keys to Making Small Talk Easy to Do

Written by Peter Murphy

Small talk used to be really hard work for me. I never knew what to say and I always worried about sayingrepparttar wrong thing.

Then something awful happened to me....

I had to take a job dealing withrepparttar 129669 public. My worst fears came true and I had to make small talk with a whole range of people each and every day.

I found it difficult, tedious and nerve wracking.

Eventually after a lot of trial and error I gotrepparttar 129670 hang of it. And today I find it easy to do and even enjoyable.

You can dorepparttar 129671 same when you learn a few key distinctions:

1. Understand thatrepparttar 129672 purpose of small talk is not to exchange information.

It is a game you play to find things you have in common withrepparttar 129673 other person.

Decide to be intensely curious aboutrepparttar 129674 other person and go fishing for what you have in common. When you are genuinely interested in other people they will respond positively to your questions and torepparttar 129675 way you listen to what they have to say.

When you takerepparttar 129676 pressure off yourself to be a great conversationalist and become a detective searching for commonalityrepparttar 129677 conversation tends to take care of itself.


Because people like people that are like them.

The more commonality you discover,repparttar 129678 morerepparttar 129679 other person will like you and feel as if they have known you for some time.

1. If What You Are Doing Is Not Working Change Your Approach

Written by Peter Murphy

The fear of saying something silly and feeling embarrassed stops many of us from contributing more to discussions at work and when we are relaxing with friends.

And ironicallyrepparttar more we worry about it,repparttar 129667 more tense we get andrepparttar 129668 more likely we are to say something stupid.

Let us a take a look at some remedies:

1 Learn to relax when you feel under pressure.

I often talk aboutrepparttar 129669 importance of managing your emotions

This is an essential skill.

There are a wide range of courses and books that you can refer to if you want to learn more about relaxation.

When you feel relaxed it is easier to think on your feet and to be flexible when you need to be.

2 Prepare Yourself

Before a social gathering get ready to have something to talk about.

Withrepparttar 129670 internet on your PC there is no excuse for not becoming well informed aboutrepparttar 129671 world. The more knowledge you haverepparttar 129672 more conversations you can contribute to.

Make a point though of reading up on a variety of subjects otherwise your conversation topics will be limited to what interests yourepparttar 129673 most. And those topics may not interest your friends as much.

3 Become genuinely interested in other people

One ofrepparttar 129674 big secrets to conversation power is to shut up! We are all a lot more interested in ourselves than in anyone else.

When there is a long silence encouragerepparttar 129675 other person to talk by asking questions and taking an active interest inrepparttar 129676 answers.

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