“3 Easy Ways to Get Your Dog to Stop Pulling on the Leash - Fast"

Written by Malacka

Dear Dog-Owner,

I can tell you're taking me out for a walk because I hear that familiar jingling of what you call a leash.

It's probablyrepparttar most exciting sound I hear all day so you'll have to excuse me if I get a bit impatient and restless as you fastenrepparttar 111314 leash to my collar.

And yes, please forgive me if I charge out ofrepparttar 111315 door and begin dragging you downrepparttar 111316 street while you clasp onto dear life holdingrepparttar 111317 other end ofrepparttar 111318 leash. You see... there are certain things I need to do inrepparttar 111319 short amount of time we're outside and we've got to get moving fast! But before we go, I'll let you in on a couple of secrets...

Now, I shouldn't be telling you this, becauserepparttar 111320 next door neighbor's dog is going to be mighty upset ifrepparttar 111321 word gets out. So promise me you won't mention it to him? Ok then.

There are three surefire things you can do right now to stop your dog from "walking you" downrepparttar 111322 street instead ofrepparttar 111323 other way around...

First, holdrepparttar 111324 door open and then just let your dog pull and strain againstrepparttar 111325 leash until (s)he realizes that you aren't going to beginrepparttar 111326 walk until your dog settles down. Now, it might take a while so just be patient.

Little Things Mean A Lot

Written by Dr Tim Ong


Each day, inrepparttar news, we read aboutrepparttar 111313 merging of companies, banks and multinational corporations into ever bigger entities. As they grew bigger, they gain more leverage, more control, and greater monopoly ofrepparttar 111314 markets, thus assuringrepparttar 111315 slow but steady demise of small concerns. Thus we can easily understand why most people think big is better. So, why are we talking aboutrepparttar 111316 little things?


While thinking big may be good for corporations,repparttar 111317 same does not necessary apply to a relationship. In a relationship, thinking small is better.

Thinking small means paying attention to details and takingrepparttar 111318 pain to make small gestures and actions count - something we often ignore when we deal with people, whether they are our loved ones, our friends or our colleagues. We forget that little things can mean a lot. Although deep in our heart, we know that we value them as significant people in our live, our behaviours and actions don't reflect that.

So, while we may go out ofrepparttar 111319 way to remember a customer's birthday, we forget our spouse's birthday. We remember our client's anniversary but forget our own. We takerepparttar 111320 extra effort to plan for our client's functions but forget to plan for our child's birthday. We truly believe our family comes first, yet we behave as though our clients are more important to us than our family. What is wrong with us? Where is our priority?

We often console ourselves by saying that we'll make it up to our loved ones with our next bonus, orrepparttar 111321 next holidays but whenrepparttar 111322 time comes, we never do.

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