Written by Bob Leduc

Below are 3 powerful buying motivators you can use to increase your sales without increasing your expenses. They work for any business and apply to every marketing method includingrepparttar Internet.


Your customers want your product or service to provide a simple solution to their problem. They also want to see fast results and they want those results to be easy to get.

Give them what they want. Promoterepparttar 127523 characteristics of your product or service that are simple and easy -- and those that provide fast results. These are often more important to customers than price.

Also make your buying process simple, fast and easy for EACH customer so you don't lose potential sales. For example...

Many internet marketers offer only one way for customers to order -- online at a secure server. That may berepparttar 127524 easiest way for YOU to buy something but it's notrepparttar 127525 easiest way for all of your customers. That's why many online orders get abandoned before they're completed.

One online marketer told me her sales increased almost 20 percent when she addedrepparttar 127526 options of ordering by phone, fax or postal mail.


People love to buy things but they haterepparttar 127527 feeling of being sold something.

I recently read about a survey conducted among new car buyers. Every participant ratedrepparttar 127528 helpful attitude ofrepparttar 127529 salesperson as one ofrepparttar 127530 major reasons they bought their car. None felt like a persuasive salesperson SOLD them a car. Instead, they felt like they BOUGHTrepparttar 127531 car.

Most of those survey participants were probably ready to buy a car when they walked intorepparttar 127532 dealership. The salesperson didn't have to persuade them to buy. He just needed to find a car withrepparttar 127533 features they wanted and a price they could afford.

How can you createrepparttar 127534 same atmosphere in your business? Target your advertising to prospects most likely to be interested in what you're selling. They won't require much persuasion to buy.

Be A Friend!

Written by /"Wild Bill/"

Every sales interaction, whether in person or virtually from your web page, should begin and end on a personal note. The customer andrepparttar sales or marketing person should begin and end their relationship as two "human beings" building towards a goal that is mutually beneficial, not as buyer and seller. This is called "building a professional relationship". Your customer is not, and can never be just another sale. Takerepparttar 127522 extra time to build your "Professional Relationship" and ultimately into a "Professional Friendship".

There is no rule set down that says you must remain only buyer and seller. The sign of a true marketing professional isrepparttar 127523 ability to serve successfully as an "Ambassador" of his company or product. Just as an Ambassador, a successful marketer is required to have sensitivity, tact and most of all "Sincerity". There is nothing easier for a customer to pick up on, than a salesperson making believe that they are sincere when they are obviously not. It requires more than dry, tasteless questions ofrepparttar 127524 family's health. If you have not yet fully discoveredrepparttar 127525 benefits of building "Professional Friendships", you are blindly passing by a waiting pool of prospects.

Being a Professional Friend might mean making a mere call or sending an email to see if they are happy with your product or to see how their business is progressing. It may be an offer of counseling with a business problem. But do it "without"repparttar 127526 sole intention of making another sell. People will respond to your caring and consideration, and come to think of you as a friend who cares. Therefore, they are more likely to make their next purchase from you, a professional they have come to trust.....a friend.

Never Leave Your Friend Behind!

It is a very important principle in sales and marketing that there be a pleasant beginning and an even more pleasant finale to a professional relationship or friendship. The old saying, "Don't Burn Your Bridges Behind You" comes to mind. Many sales professionals seem to eager to dissolve such relationships becauserepparttar 127527 customer stops buying. Right away, they move on to, or focus onrepparttar 127528 next customer. Their conversation becomes dead and their manner formal. Apparently they are thinking to themselves, "No more orders from this person". There may even be a formal thank you and a polite goodbye, but if you have suddenly lost interest in people they become keenly aware of this fact and will often take it personally. They may think to themselves, "Well, if that'srepparttar 127529 way they feel because I wasn't interested this time.........". People are not pleased with formal and distant attitudes after any type of relationship has been formed.

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