37 Tips on How to Write a Web Page or Sales Letter That Sells!

Written by John J.O'Callaghan

Dear Sales and Marketing Executive “You Have Less Than Six Seconds to Capturerepparttar Prospect’s Attention!” 1. Which headline is best?

Is itrepparttar 102888 one that stresses a problem as in, “Do You Make These Mistakes in English?” or, one that offers a solution as in, “How to Win Friends and Influence People!”?

The answer is to run an inexpensive test using both of these headlines!

2. When you userepparttar 102889 words “How to” in your headline, you are using two ofrepparttar 102890 most powerful words you can use to get attention.

3. A bold main headline emphasizesrepparttar 102891 importance ofrepparttar 102892 message.

4. A list of bulleted points inrepparttar 102893 body of your letter is good. But numbered points have more impact because they are sequential.

When you say something like, “Here arerepparttar 102894 three reasons why…” you makerepparttar 102895 reader curious as to what each of those reasons is.

Insert Semi-Bold Subheads like This

5. When you insert two or three semi-bold subheads you make your letter much easier to read.

Use a Subhead to Illustrate a Benefit

Some readers will scan your subheads first to find out ifrepparttar 102896 rest of your letter is worth reading.

A New Courier Font is Very Readable

6. A New Courier Font with an unjustified or ragged right edge helps make your message look more like a typed personal letter than a display advert.

Here’s a Tip You May Want to Consider:

7. Don’t putrepparttar 102897 name of your company or contact information atrepparttar 102898 top of your letter. It’s best to put it atrepparttar 102899 end.

8. Watch Your “I’s,” “you’s” and “me’s.” So far,repparttar 102900 word “you” or “yours” have been mentioned thirteen times, whereas, “I,” “me” or “my” have not been mentioned at all!

9. Prospective customers don’t care what you want. Their main concern is what they want. Here’s another hot tip:

10. Features Smell! Benefits SELL! Prospects couldn’t care less aboutrepparttar 102901 wonderful features of your product.

11. Prospects will be interested in knowing how they could benefit from your product or service.

12. Turnrepparttar 102902 features of your product into benefits forrepparttar 102903 customer!

13. Phrases that encouragerepparttar 102904 prospect to read on include: “For these three reasons:” “Here’s why:” “Here’s another hot tip:”

14. Cut paragraphs to no more than four lines if possible.

15. Making some words bold as in “make your main headline as bold as possible” and “Insert subheads,” turns them into powerful hypnotic commands!

People Buy for Emotional Reasons

16. People buy for emotional reasons, not for logical reasons. The emotional involvement is what moves them to buy. Then they use logic to justify their decision.

People Use logic to Justify Actions Tell Them How They Will Benefit

17. The prospect might not feelrepparttar 102905 need forrepparttar 102906 product, but they will become emotionally involved when they picture themselves usingrepparttar 102907 product or service and benefiting from it.

For example, I have a couple of 18ct gold wrist watches. I don’t need two expensive watches, butrepparttar 102908 second watch looked dressier.

The moment I pictured myself wearing it, I had already sold it to myself.

Afterwards, when someone said, “Do you need two watches,” I said:

“No. But I think famous-name watches in solid gold can only go up in value.” Pushrepparttar 102909 Prospect’s Hot Button

18. To makerepparttar 102910 sale, your sales copy has to pushrepparttar 102911 prospect’s emotional hot button and push it hard.

19. Sales copy that is embedded with subliminal commands induces action.

Advances in Print Technology: What about?

Written by Marlon D. Ludovice

A number of dramatic technological innovations have been added greatly to deal withrepparttar character of printing process. Linotype is a method of creating movable type by machine instead of by hand and was introduced in 1884 which marked a significant leap in production speed.

The typewriter maderepparttar 102887 production and "look" of standardized print much more widely accessible. The process of setting type continued to go through transformations withrepparttar 102888 development of photo-mechanical composition, cathode ray tubes and laser technologies. Alsorepparttar 102889 Xerox machine made a means of broadcast print documents available to everyone. Wherein Word processing transformed editing and contributed dramatic new flexibility torepparttar 102890 writing process. Computer printing has already moved through several stages of innovation, fromrepparttar 102891 first daisy-wheel and dot matrix "impact" printers to common use ofrepparttar 102892 non-impact printers: ink-jet, laser and thermal-transfer.

Now withrepparttar 102893 availability of internet inrepparttar 102894 world and interactive multimedia, providing ways of employingrepparttar 102895 printed word that add new possibilities to print's role in culture made it much easier. The printed word is now used for real-time social interaction and for individualized routing through interactive documents. It is difficult to gaugerepparttar 102896 social and cultural impact of new media without historical distance, but these innovations will most likely prove to signal another major transformation inrepparttar 102897 use, influence and character of human communication.

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