2 Beliefs Essential For Success

Written by Gordon Bryan

Want to unlock your potential? Want to move forward to success? Well neither of these will happen in a month of Sundays without belief.

I always harp on about attitude beingrepparttar magic word, and belief is one attitude you MUST have. Not only that, but there are TWO types of beliefs needed!

The first is belief that it will happen. Whatever your goal is, however you want to improve your life, whatever wealth you want, in order for any of it to come true, you need to believe that it *will* happen.

You need to know this for a fact, not just some wishy-washy hope that it would be nice, but know for a fact that it can and will happen to YOU.

The second belief is in yourself as a person, and your right to succeed and enjoy abundance.

Abundance is all around, but most people do not tap into it, they don't grab their fair share, because they just don't believe.

Are You Lucky - Or Is It Synchronicity?

Written by Gordon Bryan

Synchronicty? The abundant universe? The universal subconscious?

Call it what you will, but do you believerepparttar concept? Do you even understandrepparttar 123468 concept?

Phew, 5 question marks in a row, time for some answers!

I firmly believe inrepparttar 123469 concept, and you'll find that most successful people do. Basicallyrepparttar 123470 theory is, that if you decide firmly and precisely enough what you want, and take action towards it, then 'luck', 'coincidence', and 'opportunity' will present themselves to you.

My example followsrepparttar 123471 title ofrepparttar 123472 goal achievement book classic, 'Talk and Grow Rich', by Ron Holland.

The message of this book is that you should talk to everyone and anyone about your goals, and it will trigger these opportunities.

A word of warning though. As soon as you get a negative response from someone about your goals, do not talk to that person about them again, it's that simple.

They will expose you to negative energy, which will harm your progress. Don't prejudge anyone either, but as soon asrepparttar 123473 response is negative, don't carry on with that person, ok?

Right then, here's my example.

One ofrepparttar 123474 jobs in my dank and distant past was as a bank cashier, and one of my ambitions has been to appear on The Royal Variety Show, with a unicycle ballet act.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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