2Much.net’s MBase Network: Recession Proofing A Company To Thrive When Most Take Dives

Written by Greg Jones/2much Media & Communications

Montreal, Qc. (February 2, 2004) -- In a year which has testedrepparttar fortitude of evenrepparttar 118765 largest high-tech Titans, 2Much Internet Services not only survived but thrived, carrying along and bolstering those clients who have hadrepparttar 118766 commitment and drive to make their sites work. Alongrepparttar 118767 way, absolute beginners have signed on and been gently educated inrepparttar 118768 rogue ways ofrepparttar 118769 Internet markets, becoming players in a field said to have become saturated and unforgiving torepparttar 118770 little fish inrepparttar 118771 wake ofrepparttar 118772 year 2000 dot-com torpedo.

Much of www.2much.net’s 2003 success is due torepparttar 118773 second quarter release of LiveCamNetwork 1.9,repparttar 118774 company’s own software, which inadvertently created what 2Much President and Chief Executive Officer Mark Prince has come to callrepparttar 118775 LiveCamNetwork, or LCN.

“We build web-sites that featurerepparttar 118776 best live video and audio streaming onrepparttar 118777 market. But many sites out there do badly despite high quality, due to a lack of experience with e-marketing and a lack of content,” says Prince. The result was an upgrade featuring a real-time, interactive billing solution, and a performer database.

“What we do can be compared to iFriends, or ratherrepparttar 118778 opposite of iFriends,” Prince explained. “A chat studio owner has performers he plugs into iFriends, and they make money chatting withrepparttar 118779 consenting public. But because big systems like that incorporate tens of thousands of models, this owner will set his performer in front of five or six cameras with five or six different identities, to increase chances of being selected. It’s expensive and complicated.”

Withrepparttar 118780 LiveCamNetwork,repparttar 118781 performers keep to one identity, their own, and can be enabled on 16, 36 and more websites atrepparttar 118782 same time. Rather than farming out multiple streams,repparttar 118783 clients are drawn, via 2Much.net’s many sites, torepparttar 118784 performer. “It’s easier,” states Prince, “more efficient and makes much more money.”

Prince has dubbed LiveCamNetwork 1.9’s interactive webcaster-database and real-time billing program MBase. “It’s a catch-all word, coveringrepparttar 118785 performer grid andrepparttar 118786 accounting program. It means Model Base – instead of database – but I abbreviated it so it would be more mainstream and encompassing.”

Each website created by 2Much.net had their stable of performers, as well as their own traffic, independent of other sites powered by 2Much. “We putrepparttar 118787 performers from every site onto a common grid for every webmaster to pick and choose from. In doing this, we also combinedrepparttar 118788 traffic from each site. We have hundreds of performers, now, and more are signing up as we speak.”

The result is new webmasters and investors are assured of instant content and immediate traffic when they buyrepparttar 118789 LiveCamNetwork 1.9 package. “The site (www.2much.net) explains it all, but has to be updated to include this information – aboutrepparttar 118790 performer database and traffic that comes with LiveCamNetwork. The traffic, obviously, is indirect – but it’s a stepping stone a couple weeks before native traffic is built up.”

Ofrepparttar 118791 LiveCamNetwork, Prince said, “I was thinking fromrepparttar 118792 inside out, at first. I was thinking of a shared database, so that even small, beginning operators would have a chance.” Prince rememberedrepparttar 118793 early days, when 2much struggled againstrepparttar 118794 rip-tides ofrepparttar 118795 Internet. “I saw this as an opportunity that I wished I had back then. Joining a team that helps you stand on your own two feet. These shared performers aren’t just in a pool we’re dipping into. They’rerepparttar 118796 foundation of a new network, a niche network, which includes bulletin boards, webmaster and performer forums, and as many features as we’ll be able to cram without raising our fees.”

In fact, 2much generally offers much more support than purported in its sales pitch – for obvious reasons. “They have to learn to deal with their own businesses,” Prince says. “We help more than we should, with more support than anyone you could name, but then we’re nice people and our success is dependent onrepparttar 118797 success of our clients. The better each is individually,repparttar 118798 better we’re doing. But I don’t want to have to hire a whole tech support division. At least, not this month,” he laughed. “As is, we divide our time between delineated tasks and consulting, and helping callers.”

Stop Whining About Google

Written by Sharon Housley

Stop Whining About Google !

Blame Game Nearly anyone and everyone involved with search engine optimization and Internet marketing is aware ofrepparttar famous "Florida" update by Google that caused many commercial sites to lose their Google ranking and position.

Industry experts speculated as to why Google made such radical changes to their algorithm. Those sites that no longer ranked well for popular search terms had to take drastic steps in order to salvagerepparttar 118764 holiday purchasing season. Many notedrepparttar 118765 timing and thought perhaps Google was attempting to capitalize onrepparttar 118766 Google Adwords Pay-Per-Click advertising program. Others simply whined that though their site contained commercial material, it also contains valuable content and was unfairly penalized.

What many failed to acknowledge is that Google has every right to make algorithm changes and if they choose to drop sites that lack relevance, it is their business. Listings in Google's main search directory are free. Many have profited from Google's ability to send traffic for years. Google doesn't owe anyone, anything, least of all an explanation of their algorithm changes. Businesses that rely on Google's free listings as their sole source of web traffic lack good sense. Google, being an independent company, reservesrepparttar 118767 right to run their business as their management sees fit. If you are unhappy with Google stop using them for searches.

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