23 things to say when someone wants to "pick your brain"

Written by Maria Marsala

Many service business owners these days are "giving away" their business services – and then wonder why people aren't hiring them in droves. Inrepparttar name of "marketing," business owners are providing way too much information for free. Some shifts in thinking are necessary if these business owners expect to be in business years from now. Even trained coaches, I believe, do too much pro-bono work. Why? They say that they need to practice, butrepparttar 102857 bottom line, IMO, is that they don't value their gifts.

What can you say to people who 1) ask outright for free information, or 2) want to "pick your brain" or 3) just start talking to you about something, and you realize that they're trying to "borrow" your valuable resources without becoming a client? Here are some ideas. Try them on to see which ones "fit" you best.

23 things to say when someone asks you - a service business owner – for free information!

1.My charge for an initial consultation is "x." If we turn out to be a good match, and you hire me, I'll apply 1/2 of "x" towards your commitment.

2.I'm happy to give you 5 minutes or less of free time, however, most issues are more quickly & effectively resolved in an undisturbed session(s). May we schedule a meeting so I can give you my undivided attention?

3.If someone is very persistent, whip out a stopwatch & say "For $2 a minute I'd be happy to go into this now. May I startrepparttar 102858 clock & do you prefer to pay with cash or check?"

4.What I can do is refer you to a free resource on "_______."

5.I do work with two pro-bono clients, who are in desperate need financially. I'll take your card and add you torepparttar 102859 waiting list.

6.Yes, I do work with clients on "namerepparttar 102860 issue." Would you like to set up a consultation?

7.That will cost "x" per hour.

8.There's a lot I can do for you that's similar torepparttar 102861 work I did for "xyz" client. Would you like to get together and build a marketing plan? (And then charge for those services.)

9.Well, I'd love to suggest something; however, my fees are "xxx" per hour.

10.Are you looking to hire me?

11.Are you looking to hire _____? Well, I'd love to talk to you about that; my fees are "x" per hour."

12.You may call me for a 15-minute talk, very focused, on that issue.

13."Well,repparttar 102862 answer to that question depends" and then spend a few minutes explaining some ofrepparttar 102863 options and considerations. For example, I may explain thatrepparttar 102864 best way to identifyrepparttar 102865 "solution" is to work backward fromrepparttar 102866 desired end result and process. That provides a natural lead-in to: "If I were to work with you on this project, here's how we would do it..."

14.Sorry, I can't answer that unless you pay my fee (or hire me).

15.A complete answer to your question is going to take more than 15 minutes overrepparttar 102867 phone. Would you like me to send you a proposal on this?

16.I have really enjoyed talking with you and would like to help more. May I send you one of my brochures and a rate card?

17.Do you have a time line and/or budget in mind for solving this problem?

How to Be Healthy and Happier At Work

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Many office-based workers do not realise thatrepparttar environment they spend a majority of their working week in, may not be good for their health.

Have you ever experienced headaches, respiratory infections, asthma or fatigue? Do these ailments occur at work? What happens when you go on holiday or atrepparttar 102856 weekends, do they still occur or do they miraculously disappear?

You’ll often find people’s desk drawers contain a variety of pills and potions to alleviaterepparttar 102857 ailments they experience at work.

John’s Story John commenced work in a large open plan office a few months ago. He had been promoted from Team Leader in another division torepparttar 102858 Manager of this new department. Since that time he has been continually unwell. He went on holiday for two weeks and all his ailments disappeared. A week later he returned to work and again he became sick. This of course greatly affected his productivity because when you feel unwell you don’t feel like doing much work…no matter how motivated you usually are.

Further investigation revealed that absenteeism in this department was high. People would often be away sick. John discoveredrepparttar 102859 whole office had not had a thorough clean in two years…the carpet needed steam cleaning,repparttar 102860 blinds had spider webs and thick dust,repparttar 102861 partitions which dividedrepparttar 102862 workstations had never been vacuumed.

John immediately organised forrepparttar 102863 entire office to be cleaned from floor to ceiling. I also suggested that he contactrepparttar 102864 local nursery to install plants in specific areas. Not only do plants makerepparttar 102865 environment look good, they assist with air filtration.

When I spoke to John again, he said he was feeling much better… and so did many of his colleagues!

Robyn’s Story Robyn isrepparttar 102866 Human Resources Manager in a computer company. She began experiencing bad asthma attacks since moving to her open plan area.

She discovered thatrepparttar 102867 office partitions had never been cleaned since their installation many years ago. The dust was exacerbating her condition. She has since had them thoroughly cleaned and her asthma has subsided!

Sally’s Story At an on-site workshop I ran for a telecommunications company, one ofrepparttar 102868 participants told us that her previous employer made a cost-cutting decision – to remove allrepparttar 102869 plants fromrepparttar 102870 office. They had a contract with a plantscaping organisation and thought this would be an easy way to save money.

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