21st century Birbals

Written by Varuna Sood

India is famous for its glorious past and today also Indians adulate it for its remarkable history. In Indian history there was a legend 'Akbar' The Great. He was famous for his actions but one more thing which made him even more popular was his minister 'Birbal'. He was a benediction torepparttar empire, because of his ever ready wits. With his intelligence there was no question left unanswered for his king. This is not just a story, but a reality which still exists in Akbar's and Birbal's form.

10 Ways to Get the Media to Love You

Written by Margie Fisher

10 Ways to Getrepparttar Media to Love You Copyright © 2003 by Margie Fisher

So you’ve put yourself “out there” with a public relations campaign. Your dealings withrepparttar 124447 media now become critical. Those relationships withrepparttar 124448 media can make or break your public relations efforts. Here’s how to getrepparttar 124449 media to love you:

1. Whenrepparttar 124450 media calls, stop what you are doing and give them your full attention. That’s right. Maybe you’re having lunch. Or in a meeting. Guess what? The media waits for no one. I advise my clients to tell assistants to interrupt them at any time ifrepparttar 124451 media calls.

2. Treatrepparttar 124452 media like gold. Answer their questions in a forthcoming manner, in a respectful, pleasant tone. Do not disparage others and be careful about making negative comments. Do not lie or provide exaggerated claims. Just like you, media people appreciate those who takerepparttar 124453 “high road”.

3. Be realistic about coverage. A reporter can interview you for an hour and you might only have one line inrepparttar 124454 media. Or none. Depending on howrepparttar 124455 story goes or space available orrepparttar 124456 editor’s whim, any ofrepparttar 124457 above can happen. The reporters owe you nothing for your time. Take this in stride and be pleasant and understanding in future dealings with them.

4. Lose control. You have control over advertising; you have minimal control over PR. That’srepparttar 124458 difference between paying for something and not paying for it. A media piece may not containrepparttar 124459 “story” that you would like covered. It may focus on an angle you don’t like. The reporter determines what angle to use, depending on his/her needs and information you provide. It also probably won’t be 100% accurate. If it is 90% accurate, you’re doing great.

5. Stop complaining. Sometimes, after a phone interview, you will be misquoted. Unless it is truly a libelous or slanderous comment, you should take it in stride. DO NOT decide to complain torepparttar 124460 reporter, or you will certainly not be getting any press, at least not favorable, in that media again.

6. Give several contact numbers, including day, night and weekend, torepparttar 124461 media (including mobile, vacation/out-of- town contact info). A member ofrepparttar 124462 press could be in a different time zone, or might want to call you before or after your business hours.

7. Be realistic about whenrepparttar 124463 media will cover you. Typically, daily newspapers, radio and TV have a one day to three month coverage window. Magazines have a 2-3 month to one year window. The lead times vary depending on editorial calendars, seasonal coverage and breaking news. In addition,repparttar 124464 media chooses when they want to run a story; you have little control over when they run it, unless it is tied in with a timely event, such as a holiday. While you would love to see yourself or your organization onrepparttar 124465 6 o’clock news orrepparttar 124466 front-page ofrepparttar 124467 business section,repparttar 124468 media may have other stories slotted for those options, or they may need to fill a space in another segment. Similarly, you might want your story to run immediately, butrepparttar 124469 media may hold it for months, if there is no urgency in running it.

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