Written by Gerry McRae

How many of us are guilty of “Puttingrepparttar cart beforerepparttar 103965 horse?”

Much is written on HOW to manage your time (the load inrepparttar 103966 cart) while little mentionsrepparttar 103967 first step (the horse that pullsrepparttar 103968 load) of time management, asking WHY before we dorepparttar 103969 HOW.

Millions of people have read Napoleon Hill’s, “Think and Grow Rich.” Why have most of these readers failed to grow rich?

Couldrepparttar 103970 answer berepparttar 103971 same for those who study how to manage time yet, remain poor managers of time?

These WHY-questions help you check your readiness to pullrepparttar 103972 cart. Who better to ask? You knowrepparttar 103973 answers better than anyone!

Attitude and determination arerepparttar 103974 horses that pullrepparttar 103975 load of time management tips toward success.

Look inrepparttar 103976 mirror as you ask yourself these questions.

Desire 1. Why do I feel I am not using my time properly? 2. Do I really need to improve my time management? 3. Why dorepparttar 103977 many tips about time management never seem to improve my time managing skills?

Support system 4. Do I fear being disliked if I restrict my time with others? 5. Who are my best supporters? 6. Have I askedrepparttar 103978 opinion of others about any change in my time management style? 7. Am I blaming others (boss, employees, spouse, children) for my lack of change?

Business Card Etiquette

Written by Neil Payne

When doing business abroad it is important to understandrepparttar local culture. Culture includes areas such as a country’s norms, values, behaviours, food, architecture, fashion and art. However, one area of culture that is important forrepparttar 103964 international business person is etiquette.

Understanding business etiquette allows you to feel comfortable in your dealings with foreign friends, colleagues, customers or clients. Knowing what to do and say inrepparttar 103965 right places will help build trust and open lines of communication.

One aspect of etiquette that is of great importance internationally isrepparttar 103966 exchanging of business cards.

Unlike in North America or Europe whererepparttar 103967 business card has little meaning other than a convenient form of capturing essential personal details, in other parts ofrepparttar 103968 worldrepparttar 103969 business card has very different meanings.

For example, in Japanrepparttar 103970 business card is viewed as a representation ofrepparttar 103971 owner. Therefore proper business etiquette demands one treatsrepparttar 103972 business card with respect and honour.

Below we have provided you with a few examples of international business card exchange etiquette that may help you on your business trips abroad.

General Business Card Etiquette Tips:

•Business cards are an internationally recognised means of presenting personal contact details, so ensure you have a plentiful supply. •Demonstrating good business etiquette is merely a means of presenting yourself as best you can. Failure to adhere to foreign business etiquette does not always have disastrous consequences. •When travelling abroad for business it is advisable to have one side of your business card translated intorepparttar 103973 appropriate language. •Business cards are generally exchanged atrepparttar 103974 beginning of or atrepparttar 103975 end of an initial meeting. •Good business etiquette requires you presentrepparttar 103976 card sorepparttar 103977 recipient’s language is face up. •Make a point of studying any business card, commenting on it and clarifying information before putting it away.

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