20 Ways Posting Unique Articles Online will Bring You Fame and Fortune

Written by Dr. Lynella Grant

You’re Invited... Visualize your article going out like a party invitation

The implied message: "If you like this, come on back to my website to see what else I’ve got to show you."

People who read articles online scan for information of interest. Articles with a fun or warm person-to-person approach have an edge that a purely mental message can’t match. Novelty, humor, and wit are hard resist. Intangibles (novel point of view, personality, depth of knowledge) are more appealing thanrepparttar information itself.

Readers who follow your link are willing to give your website a chance. They wonder if they’ll find lots more of whatever they liked about your article. Success with article marketing depends on how consistently your personality shows through.

Anyone who’s spent time online knows there are a zillion places to buy any product or service. An enterprise stands out by being unique and relevant. Whenrepparttar 124516 website navigation and copy are carefully designed,repparttar 124517 article reader could become a repeat visitor or buyer.

Article marketing is a five-step process to get your message out

1.What can you say that’s interesting, original, and uniquely yours? 2.Who wants to know that? Know your buyer. 3.What ezines and websites do they follow? 4.Can you distill your message into a useful article? (Self-serving sales letters won’t fly) 5.How many relevant places can you find to post it?

There’s way too much recycled content online. Anyone who sends out fresh, in-depth articles on a topic will be noticed - and appreciated. Unsure if you can? Find anything you need to make your articles succeed http://www.promotewitharticles.com THE FAME PART

1. People assume you’re an expert on subjects you write about Shoot for consistent messages and delivery, so you become a trusted voice.

2. You share samples of your wisdom Articles are long enough to reveal your perspective and savvy. That sets you apart from competitors inrepparttar 124518 public mind.

3. Reach targeted audiences with precision The Internet excels at reaching small groups through specialized ezines and websites. Narrow niches are passionately interested in on-topic expertise. Articles appearing there reveal you’re an "insider."

4. Continuous article output builds name recognition and anticipation People start watching for your next article.

5. Your reputation can grow quickly Within a few days of posting, your message appears all overrepparttar 124519 Net.

6. Build relationships with editors and webmasters As you send consistently high-quality material, they’re more eager to present it to their readers.

How To Get Free Advertising By Giving Away Online Content

Written by Adrian Kennelly

Giving away content is a powerful way to get free advertising. For example, give other people permission to use your article on their web site or in their e-zine. The resource box atrepparttar end of your article acts as an ad. In return, you get free advertising. It's a win/win situation for both you andrepparttar 124515 people that needrepparttar 124516 extra content.

There are many forms of free content. It could be articles, reports, news stories, e-books, e-zines, e-mags, virtual e-mail courses, press releases, web books, etc.

You can take it a step further and make giving away content an even more powerful way to get free advertising. For example, give your free e-book to one person and allow themrepparttar 124517 rights to also give it away. Do you see what I'm leading up to? Let's say only 20 people download your e-book. Those 20 people may give away your e-book to 20 more people. That's a total of 400 people that have seen your ad inrepparttar 124518 e-book. And it just keeps multiplying!

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