2004 a Bad Year for Movies?

Written by Ryan Parsons

Here is a case in point- 2004 was a strange, if not bad, year for movies. Now, I'm not talking aboutrepparttar quality of films, they were probably right on par. But, Hollywood has been growing scared. Scared to create films that fall away from standard conventions and afraid to try films that may tilt a couple heads or raise a few brows. If it wasn't for a few HUGE films in 2004, including some that distributors were afraid of, everybody may have felt that Hollywood was losing us. However, it seems that Hollywood is willing to turn a cheek and come stronger than it ever has this century [never mind Lord ofrepparttar 109875 Rings] withrepparttar 109876 bringing in of 2005.

2004 Poor for Movies I can understand how it may be hard to fathom that Hollywood did not have one of its best years during 2004. Sure,repparttar 109877 film companies were still able to pull in film revenues with a little over nine billion, but ticket sales were actually DOWN by a startling two percent. Now, I know this doesn't sound like much, but it is! Forrepparttar 109878 year of 2004, distributors were planning on conqueringrepparttar 109879 box offices with films such as Troy, Alexander, The Whole Ten Yards, The Village and Van Helsing. However, all of these films flopped [Van Helsing is doing great with DVD though]. No matter how impressiverepparttar 109880 battles or sequences, audiences leftrepparttar 109881 theatres feeling unsatisfied. So what was wrong withrepparttar 109882 films? And who saved 2004?

Four ofrepparttar 109883 biggest hitters of 2004 came out of either CG animation or children's tales. Shrek 2 began with a bang and was able to gross somewhere just under $450 million in ticket sales. Then we had Pixar's The Incredibles, which proved that animated films with adult-style action and subject matter can still be successful [~$275 million gross]. Last ofrepparttar 109884 animations was Spider-Man 2 [the fights were almost entirely animated]. I can call this an animation asrepparttar 109885 fight scenes were well animated andrepparttar 109886 film seemed to run like a perfect animated comic [~$370 million gross]. Harry Potter andrepparttar 109887 Prisoner of Azkaban, based ofrepparttar 109888 'childrens' book [I beg to differ], couldn't lose with a darker atmosphere set up by Alfonso Cuaron [pulled in $250 million]. Obviously,repparttar 109889 four listed films were expected to do well inrepparttar 109890 theatres and all three performed gracefully. But what aboutrepparttar 109891 films that nobody wanted or were afraid to touch?

The two films that were handled like boiling water were Mel Gibson's Passion ofrepparttar 109892 Christ and Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11. Even though these films caused a lot of tension amidst their distributors [Einstein was pissed!],repparttar 109893 two films managed to pull just under a combined $500 million in ticket sales. So that would make five big blockbusters forrepparttar 109894 year; not nearly enough. While Passion and Fahrenheit were more than plesent surprises, what aboutrepparttar 109895 other films?

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Written by eric - menuserve

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