20-Point Checklist EVERY Sales Letter Must Pass!

Written by Grady Smith

Sales letter not pulling like you want? Need a quick "fill inrepparttar blanks" formula for marketing your next product? Here are 20 essential components ofrepparttar 120635 hard-selling sales letter:

1) Does your headline speak directly to your potential customer and give them a strong, specific benefit of your product or service?

2) Did you start withrepparttar 120636 strongest benefit of your product or service, then work your way down to includerepparttar 120637 least important benefits for your potential customer?

3) Do you explain how your product or service is better or different compared to your competitors?

4) Does your sales letter speak directly to your prospect? In other words, instead of saying, "people that like horses will love this book" you say, "If you love horses you'll love this book."

5) Do you use "you" twice as often as "I" in your sales letter?

6) Is your sales letter easy to read using short sentences and paragraphs?

7) Do you use power words and write withrepparttar 120638 goal of keeping your reader's interest?

8) Do you show your potential customer their problem; agitate it by telling them how troublesome it is, then offer your product or service asrepparttar 120639 solution?

9) Is your copy clear, easy to understand, and follows a flow from one paragraph torepparttar 120640 next?

10) Are your strong words and phrases highlighted or bolded to draw attention and keeprepparttar 120641 reader focused?

11) Is your sales letter written in a friendly, active, conversational, "me to you", tone of voice?

5 Ways to Generate Leads with Your Web Site

Written by Charlie Cook

If you sell services one ofrepparttar biggest challenges is identifying qualified prospects who want what you have to offer and are ready to buy. It is possible to waste time on cold calls and other marketing activities that turn up little inrepparttar 120634 way of sales. Wouldn't you rather have a steady stream of hot leads, leads that not only include contact information but give you an idea of whatrepparttar 120635 prospect needs,repparttar 120636 problem they want solved?

You have a web site, and hundreds if not thousands of people visit your site each week. If your site is working well it should be providing you with a list of hundreds of people who want to be on your marketing list each week and dozens of qualified leads, people who want you to call them right away about your services.

Userepparttar 120637 following five tactics to generate a list of qualified prospects.

1. Collect Contact Information Strive to collectrepparttar 120638 email address of every person who visits your web site and is interested inrepparttar 120639 problems you solve. Offer a free article, tutorial or guide as bait to motivate people to give you their email address so you can market to them again and again.

Offer prospects something they want, and place your sign-up form prominently atrepparttar 120640 top of your home page and in a side navigation bar onrepparttar 120641 other pages of your site. This should help you capturerepparttar 120642 email addresses of 10-20% ofrepparttar 120643 people who visit your site each week.

2. Use Auto Responders to Collect Detailed Information If you use a free giveaway andrepparttar 120644 briefest of sign up forms to get people to give you their email information you can market to prospects but wouldn't it be helpful to have more information?

Use an autoresponder to send people a confirmation when they request your free article or sign up for your newsletter. Inrepparttar 120645 email ask them for detailed contact information and ask them a couple of questions about what they're interested in.

3. Get People to Tell You How You Can Help Them Many people userepparttar 120646 web as tool to find solutions and to hire people who can help them solve their problems. If you are a financial advisor, giving away an article on financial tips is a great way to get contact information but what you really want to do is to identify those people who have an immediate interest in your services.

Prompt people to contact you by including an inquiry form on your web site, but don't makerepparttar 120647 mistakes made on most web sites. Too often inquiry forms are buried onrepparttar 120648 site, multiple clicks away fromrepparttar 120649 pages most frequently viewed by your visitors. Include your form on high visibility pages, atrepparttar 120650 bottom of your homepage and other key pages about your services and products.

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