the truth about omega 3

Written by jane stewart

Continued from page 1

While research is still ongoing intorepparttar effects of these fatty acids onrepparttar 138499 heart, research to date has shown that they:

•decrease risk of arrhythmias, which can lead to sudden cardiac death •decrease triglyceride levels •decrease growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque •lower blood pressure (slightly) Additionally, Omega 3 has been reported effective as an anti-inflammatory. And according to an article by Judith Horstman for Arthritis Today, “There’s strong evidence that fish oil supplements with omega-3 fatty acids can ease rheumatoid arthritis (RA) symptoms, help prevent Raynaud’s syndrome spasms and possibly relieve some lupus symptoms.

There is some limited evidence thatrepparttar 138500 reduction in Omega 3 inrepparttar 138501 average western diet can be a contributing factor torepparttar 138502 rise in:

•asthma •chronic fatigue syndrome •cystic fibrosis •osteoporosis •prostate cancer

Omega 3 Supplements

Any good doctor or nutritionist will tell you thatrepparttar 138503 best way to get any nutrient is to go right torepparttar 138504 source and eat it throughrepparttar 138505 foods they originate. Inrepparttar 138506 case of Omega 3 this would most likely be inrepparttar 138507 form of fatty fish, flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil and soybean oil. That said, this is not always possible givenrepparttar 138508 average westerner’s diet and lifestyle. Additionally, for those suffering from sever depression or using Omega 3 to combat an existing condition,repparttar 138509 amount contained inrepparttar 138510 foods we eat may not provide enough of this fatty acid. If this isrepparttar 138511 case then it is important to know what you are looking for.

The supplement should be high in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). EPA, along with DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) arerepparttar 138512 two active ingredients in Omega 3. EPA is considered to berepparttar 138513 therapeutic element. It is thus important to purchase a supplement higher in EPA than DHA.

Additional Notes

Due torepparttar 138514 recent developments and study of Omega 3 and all of its potential health benefits,repparttar 138515 majority of studies and information on it are preliminary and based on smaller test groups. Additional research is underway and should provide additional insight into how it works and exactly what its role is inrepparttar 138516 brain’s functioning and development.

Currently additional studies are ongoing intorepparttar 138517 roll of Omega 3 in brain and nerve regeneration, depression, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, neck and back pain, stress and an assortment of other mental and physical conditions.

About The Author

Information on Omega 3 and its properties provided by Mind1st in the sole distributor of PuraEPA with 90% pure EPA. Visit their website for more information on Omega 3 fish oil and how it works.

Bell's Palsy: Managing to Save Face

Written by Gary Cordingley

Continued from page 1

Bell's palsy is considered a "diagnosis of exclusion," meaning that other diseases producing similar symptoms should be considered first. For example, especially in childhood, Lyme disease—a bacterial infection transmitted by tick bite anywhere onrepparttar body—can produce a very similar picture, and needs to be treated with an antibiotic drug.

In adulthood a different kind of infection, Ramsay Hunt syndrome, needs to be considered, because it should be treated with an antiviral drug. Like Bell's palsy, Ramsay Hunt syndrome damages a facial nerve, but involvesrepparttar 138484 varicella zoster virus,repparttar 138485 same virus that produces chicken pox and shingles. Apart from causing facial weakness, this virus typically produces blisters withinrepparttar 138486 ear—or sometimes inrepparttar 138487 mouth or throat—that are not seen in cases of Bell's palsy.

Strokes can also produce weakness on one side ofrepparttar 138488 face, but almost always produce weakness in other parts ofrepparttar 138489 body as well. Another point of distinction is that strokes seldom interfere significantly withrepparttar 138490 ability to blink or raise an eyebrow.

Fortunately, even without treatment most cases of Bell's palsy do well. About 50% obtain a full recovery withinrepparttar 138491 first six months, withrepparttar 138492 first hint of improvement occurring after 10 days to two months. Another 35% obtain good, though sometimes incomplete, recovery withinrepparttar 138493 first year.

How about treatment? Prescription drugs often receiverepparttar 138494 most attention because they seem more important or definitive than measures that don't require a doctor's prescription. The two most prescribed medications are anti-inflammatory steroids, like prednisone, and anti-viral drugs, like acyclovir. Based on what is known or suspected about Bell's palsy, their use makes sense. But what seems logical is not always true. Thus far, randomized, controlled trials—the gold standard for judgingrepparttar 138495 effectiveness of treatments—have shown minimal if any effect of these drugs onrepparttar 138496 course of symptoms.

A little-heralded treatment is probablyrepparttar 138497 most important. And that is to protectrepparttar 138498 eye. With loss of blinking,repparttar 138499 eye needs to be moistened and cleaned in order to prevent irritation andrepparttar 138500 worst complication—secondary infection ofrepparttar 138501 eyeball's surface.

During waking hours this can be accomplished with liberal use of unmedicated eye-drops. At bedtime, a soothing, unmedicated ointment—like Lacrilube—can be squeezed from its tube intorepparttar 138502 lower eyelid sac. Thenrepparttar 138503 patient can pad and taperepparttar 138504 upper and lower eyelids into a shut position overnight. Upon awakeningrepparttar 138505 next morning, he or she can uncoverrepparttar 138506 eye and resume eye-drop treatments. Any loss of vision should be reported promptly to a physician.

Can Bell's palsy recur? It does in about 5-9% of cases after an average interval of 10 years. The world's record for recurrences probably belongs to one poor soul described in a Slovakian medical journal as experiencing 11 relapses!

(C) 2005 by Gary Cordingley

Gary Cordingley, MD, PhD, is a clinical neurologist, teacher and researcher. For more health-related articles see his website at:

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