
Written by Sid Choudhuri

Continued from page 1

ISPs tend to enforce a bandwidth cap on both DSL and cable modem services.

The first cap is on data transferred per service period (usually per month). From my experience, DSL data transfer caps are more rigidly controlled than cable services. Your data cap may be as little as 1 gigabyte per month or, inrepparttar case of most cable modem services, unlimited.

Both cable and DSL services have a cap on bandwidth. Your service provider may promise you a certain downstream limit and a certain upstream limit. This means that you will generally be able to sustain a certain bit rate while downloading or receiving data and a different bit rate while uploading information.

In general, because ofrepparttar 118461 far greater capacity of coaxial cable andrepparttar 118462 fact that only a certain number of lines exist connecting you to your switch, cable modems, if uncapped would provide advantages in bandwidth over DSL modems. Inrepparttar 118463 real world, this is notrepparttar 118464 case. Both DSL and Cable companies limit bandwidths at bothrepparttar 118465 modem level and atrepparttar 118466 service provider.

Shop Around. If you are shopping around for a service or thinking of changing services,repparttar 118467 best advice I have for you is to ask other users about their service. One ofrepparttar 118468 best web sites I've seen for sharing this data is broadbandreports.com. This site provides user-submitted reviews of their broadband service and charts day-to-day service fluctuations. Speed tests and other tools for optimizing your connection are available as well.

Sid Choudhuri is an IT consultant in Toronto, Canada. Sid runs ScALR Network Solutions. http://www.scalr.com


Written by Tony Dean

Continued from page 1

Press releases submitted torepparttar biggest and well known media release agencies are appearing rapidly on rss feeds, withrepparttar 118460 publishers of these feeds scambling to put 'content' on their feed almost on an hourly basis.

Commercial enterprises have never had it so good to get their press release into circulation so quickly as more and more commercial news, via press releases, is needed to fillrepparttar 118461 ever available channels being run by rss feed publishers. Even badly written press releases that under normal circumstances would not find a publisher willing to print it, will be readily accepted by rss feed publishers looking avidly for more 'content'. This 'content' may only be on a rss feed forrepparttar 118462 space of one hour before it is replaced by something else, but it will haverepparttar 118463 potential to be seen by lillions of people world wide.

This isrepparttar 118464 'potential' that big media companies are now eyeing.

One rss feed publisher charges $6,000 for an item of news to be on one of his feeds forrepparttar 118465 space of one day. Sorepparttar 118466 potential for earning substantial incomes from publishing your own rss feed can be huge.

Many web publishers will change tack and embrace rss feeds as being potentially more commercially viable than publishing a web site.

Many 'spammers' will change to running as many rss feeds as possible to saturaterepparttar 118467 market, since spam filters are proving very effective for email.

How easy is it to put up a rss feed?

If you have web hosting already, it can be set up in 5 minutes!

All it needs is a text file placed onrepparttar 118468 server, andrepparttar 118469 'feed' is live torepparttar 118470 whole world. Instant rss feed publishing!

Tony Dean is a published author and webmaster. Author of the bestselling ebook on setting up a rss feed "Really Simple RSS" available from Clickbank or his site:- http://www.ebook-sales.com/rss.html

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