Festival Mania!

Written by Ed Williams

Continued from page 1

3. “Butts County, Georgia” - Oh man, there’s so much I could do with this, I can think of about ten thousand plus potential festival ideas for this county and then some. Unfortunately, my editors won’t print about 9,999 of them, so I’ll just wistfully think of what might have been...

4. “The Perry Como Impersonators Festival” - This is actually sort of a “festival in reverse” type idea, because if this was actually held most ofrepparttar area’s population would quickly go someplace else for a couple of days. And hey, that might not be a bad thing if a community had civic projects they needed to do like spray for mosquitoes, fix some large sewer drainage problems, or whatever. The festival planners could work out a deal withrepparttar 119604 surrounding communities to get a cut of their motel and restaurant revenues whilerepparttar 119605 Perry C. festival is going on, so everyone involved comes out a winner.

I could go on and list even more festival ideas, but these that I’ve listed should be enough to getrepparttar 119606 ball rolling. In a really noble gesture on my part, I will claim no copyright for these ideas, so if anyone out there really wants to use any of them they can free of charge. Now, with all that having been said, if some community out there really considers putting on a “Sunburned Chest Festival,” I think thatrepparttar 119607 least y’all could do would be to invite me to be one ofrepparttar 119608 judges forrepparttar 119609 main event, after all, fair is only fair...

Ed’s latest book, “Rough As A Cob,“ can be ordered by calling River City Publishing toll-free at: 877-408-7078. He’s also a popular after dinner speaker, and his column runs in a number of Southeastern publications. You can contact him via email at: ed3@ed-williams.com, or through his web site address at: www.ed-williams.com.

Has the Net Finally Come To a Full Cycle?

Written by Debra Gravelle

Continued from page 1

Google is known for trackingrepparttar way surfers search for information. They have allocated deep budgets for such tasks. This is what has given them their strong hold on their market. Other major search engines have also followed their paths.

If we were to take Google’s advice and befriend its algorithms then agree that Content isrepparttar 119603 King. It would stand to reason to follow its path too. The old but, new formula for successful intervention to balance would be to supply Content then lean onrepparttar 119604 Sales later.

So hasrepparttar 119605 Net finally come to a full cycle?

Only, if we allow it. Of courserepparttar 119606 real answers fall withinrepparttar 119607 establishment of creating balance with all alliances involved.

Currentlyrepparttar 119608 balance of value seems to lean heavily towardsrepparttar 119609 Content of Information. Surfers don’t just happen to land on your website. Visitors find your website via a search or link. A description of some sort attracted them there.

Chances are according torepparttar 119610 search engines they are looking for information about a product or service.

Takingrepparttar 119611 advice ofrepparttar 119612 search engines that balance lies withinrepparttar 119613 content ofrepparttar 119614 information given, you would have to assume thatrepparttar 119615 equilibriums would return betweenrepparttar 119616 product/service providers andrepparttar 119617 consumer.

Creatingrepparttar 119618 balance may be found in Traffic Nodes.

What is A Website Traffic Node? A website traffic node is a single html page of content specific information that has been optimized forrepparttar 119619 search engines and user friendly forrepparttar 119620 viewer.

Why would you need a WTN? A Website Traffic Node validates your prospects interests to what you have to offer. It also is used to condition your prospect and prepare him/her into feeling more comfortable with doing business with you.

What isrepparttar 119621 difference between a Traffic Node and a Lead Capture Page? Although a traffic node can also serve as a lead capture page, they are different in how they are indexed withinrepparttar 119622 search engines.

To find out if Traffic Nodes will balancerepparttar 119623 equilibrium within your business and how to create one of your own; downloadrepparttar 119624 report “Understandingrepparttar 119625 Structure of a Traffic Node in pdf format here: http://www.traffic-n-more.com/Traffic_Node.pdf

Debra Gravelle Bringing 22 years of business consulting and planning to the internet. http://www.traffic-n-more.com admin@traffic-n-more.com

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