e-Matchmaking: Can a Computer Find Love For You?

Written by Devlyn Steele

Continued from page 1

People have impulsive behavior that simply can’t be measured when they’re sitting, relaxed and introspective, taking one of these tests. Often our answers reflect our perfect (or hopeful) idea of ourselves. Even if we are trying our best to be honest, our impulsive behavior in real-life situations can be far different than we’d expect.

Another wildcard is attraction. We can meet someone who’s empirically good-looking, has a similar background, is kind and successful – and yet we’re not attracted. Often we can’t explain why we like another person. It may be how they make us laugh, a crooked smile – even how they smell! Sometimes little things that are immeasurable on their own can collectively make us attracted.

Human beings and our emotions and desires are far too complex, and a computer program can’t solverepparttar riddles of our romantic lives. As Jung put it, “the meeting of two personalities is likerepparttar 101419 contact of two chemical substances; if there is a reaction both are transformed”. It sounds good, but even Jung was hedging his bet when it comes to love. What will cause two individuals to react to each other? Evenrepparttar 101420 developers ofrepparttar 101421 study of personality would not presume that a series of questions could predict romance.

If you rely solely on matchmaking services, you are missingrepparttar 101422 entire beauty of online dating. The beauty is opportunity. Online dating offers you an almost limitless opportunity to meet and date new people. It gives yourepparttar 101423 time and space to find what best suits you. Going to a quality dating site that isn’t trying to sell you fantasy of finding your match for you will mean you will have a pool of millions of singles to meet.

Treat matchmaking options as just another fun way to explore. It can serve as an ice breaker to start a conversation, but don’t expect them to berepparttar 101424 answer to finding your perfect match. Keep all options open and explore possibilities. As a unique individual, only can you know what works for you. You need to develop skills to communicate and meet people. Developing both online and offline dating skills isrepparttar 101425 best way to findrepparttar 101426 right relationship.

Next time you’re brushing your teeth, take a look inrepparttar 101427 mirror. See that amazing person? That’s your matchmaker with a mouthful of toothpaste. Take charge of your life and get into action! Enjoy dating and enjoyrepparttar 101428 process of discovery. Your experiences, both good and not-so-good, are essential to findingrepparttar 101429 right person for you.

Devlyn Steele ("America's Leading Life-Coach") has been a public consultant and a private counselor for over 15 years. Devlyn is a Relationship Coach, and Life-Coach, radio host, columnist, and developer of toolstolife.com. His new program onlinedatingkit.com teaches Internet daters the skills they need to find their perfect matches on their own.

Kierkegaard, Don Giovanni, and the Messiah

Written by Martin Winer

Continued from page 1

What is this all about? It is said thatrepparttar Jews lostrepparttar 101418 first temple because of their inability to understand and relate with God. God, however, understood that He’s very esoteric and difficult to comprehend and gaverepparttar 101419 Jews a second chance. The Jews lostrepparttar 101420 second temple when they started in fighting and weren’t able to relate to one another. This was inexcusable and led torepparttar 101421 current exile and Diaspora.

The Song of Songs describesrepparttar 101422 relationship between God and humanity much like that ofrepparttar 101423 relationship between two lovers. If we connectrepparttar 101424 two ideas we can gather thatrepparttar 101425 loss ofrepparttar 101426 second temple, leading torepparttar 101427 current exile was and is much like a lovers’ quarrel. God was and is extremely frustrated with us and threw up his arms and is not giving usrepparttar 101428 ‘silent treatment’. He’s giving us space, or forcing us to take space, for us to come to terms with ourselves much like when sometimes, lovers spend time apart to allow one orrepparttar 101429 other to come to terms with certain things. My guess is that God is extremely frustrated and has lost his faith in us to be his partner in love and discovery.

I imagine that He’s desperately hoping that we are able to come closer to each other and spread love and understanding across this planet. Each human has a piece of God as we were made in his image. (Baruch Spinoza may have been excommunicated for this notion, but that excommunication was posthumously recanted.) Thus,repparttar 101430 more people we love andrepparttar 101431 more we explore our love with one special person,repparttar 101432 more pieces of God we come to terms with. One could suppose that God was extremely frustrated with us, but understood that his love was too intense for us to bear. Thus, he sought to set upon us a task which would allow us to come towards him in steps. The more we love,repparttar 101433 move we are love andrepparttar 101434 more we increase love,repparttar 101435 more we approachrepparttar 101436 notion of God. If we spread love across this planet, God and humanity will be able to leave our respective wombs and take a leap of faith together intorepparttar 101437 wonders that lie beyond.

Appendix – Kierkegaard’s Engagement Source: http://www.meta-religion.com/Philosophy/Biography/Aabye_Kierkegaard/aabye_kierkegaard.htm

Assuming Kierkegaard’s diaries and his confessions to his friends are honest,repparttar 101438 engagement to Regine wasrepparttar 101439 most difficult year of his life. Kierkegaard seems to have been torn betweenrepparttar 101440 idea of a marriage and his need for solitude. After a year, Kierkegaard brokerepparttar 101441 engagement. Regine attempted to appease Kierkegaard and win his heart, even after his unusual treatment of her, but he rebuffed her advances.

Kierkegaard claimed he wanted to force Regine away from him, so she would marry another man. It is possible he did not think himself worthy. It is also possible he did not want to deal withrepparttar 101442 emotions associated with romance. Regardless, he tried to be ‘indifferent’ and drive Regine out of his life. In later years, Kierkegaard called his destruction ofrepparttar 101443 relationship a “self-inflicted wound” that caused him a great deal of misery. If he cared for Regine, as many believe Kierkegaard did, his need to avoid a relationship is not easily understood by most people. Intellectually brilliant, yet emotionally unwilling to deal with ties to others, Kierkegaard wanted to be alone and isolated from much of society. Nothing would tie him to society more than marriage.

Martin Winer is a social scientist by night and a computer scientist by day, running: http://www.rankyouragent.com

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