Written by Debi Bogard

Continued from page 1

1. DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT. Set your goals, envision your target and do something every day to obtain it. 2. UPDATE YOUR CAREER MARKETING DOCUMENTS. Your resume cannot be outdated or average - it must be outstanding! You have a recruiter's not-so-undivided attention for only 30 seconds in which your resume is either SINGLED OUT or TOSSED OUT.

3. STRATEGICALLY PLAN YOUR SEARCH. Learnrepparttar latest tips for searching online. Find a way to network that is comfortable for you. Prepare and practice for upcoming interviews so your potential employer will know exactly why they must hire you. 4. DON'T LET DISCOURAGEMENT DISTRACT YOU. Find someone to support you when you get pulled off course, stopped in your tracks or sent back to square one.

ULYSSES PARTNERED WITH SOMEONE (THE MEN WITH EAR PLUGS) TO KEEP HIS SHIP ON COURSE and restrained himself knowing he could not withstandrepparttar 123476 distraction. THE SIRENS DIED when Ulysses' ship sailed beyond them. DISCOURAGEMENT ALSO DIES once you move beyond it. The key is to NOT be diverted byrepparttar 123477 distraction of discouragement but instead cruise by, RIGHT ON COURSE.

YOU ARE THE CAPTAIN OF YOUR SHIP! If stress, frustration and guilt, fromrepparttar 123478 job you have, are notrepparttar 123479 life components you crave, thenrepparttar 123480 time to change that is right now! Do one thing today to put control of your career, and your life, back in your hands.


STOP MERELY SURVIVING YOUR CAREER. Debi Bogard is a Certified Career Management Coach who helps frazzled professionals develop a rewarding career that also allows time for themselves and their families. Call Debi at (877) 460-7271 to schedule your complimentary coaching session - no strings and no obligation - just a gift. Visit www.careerformulas.com and receive a free "Quick Start Guide".

The Fable of the Elephant and the Woman Who Wasn't Blind

Written by Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach

Continued from page 1

It may learn it can pick up tasty treats with its trunk, and so it remembers to do this.

Or someone may capture it when it’s little, and put a chain around its leg attached to a stake that’s too strong for it to pull away from. It will try with all its might, and only succeed in tearing its leg which causes more pain, so eventually, being smart, being able to learn, it gives up.

What it has learned is hopelessness and helplessness. This means forrepparttar rest of its life, even when it weigh 6 tons and should be nearly impossible to contain, it will allow that chain on its leg to rule its life.

So there stands that 6-ton animal, tethered by nothing really, except its fearful memories.

Has this happened to you? (Think about it.)

©Susan Dunn, MA Clinical Psychology, The EQ Coach, http://www.susandunn.cc . Offering individual, executive and team coaching in emotional intelligence, leadership, communication, resilience and success. The EQ Foundation Course©, The EQ Learning Lab™, The EQ eBook Library – http://www.webstrategies.cc/ebooklibrary.html . Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for FREE ezine.

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