How to Create a Media Frenzy for Your Book

Written by Dr. Jamie Fettig

Continued from page 1

PR works because it's got credibility. Instead of a paid ad, people see an objective journalist reviewing your book, or a talk show host who's chosen to have you on her show because she liked your book. Media exposure carries tremendous weight with book buyers. Ask your friends how many books they've bought after hearing about them on "Fresh Air" on National Public Radio.

These are some ofrepparttar PR avenues you can pursue:

·Reviews in any and all publications, print and online especially. ·Features in print and online publications. ·Radio interviews. ·Television interviews. ·A regular column in a magazine or newspaper or online. ·Speaking engagements. ·A role as an "expert source" for one or more journalists. ·Creating press events. ·Tying your book to a charity or cause.

It all begins with your press kit. That's a snazzy folder that containsrepparttar 108603 press release about your book's publication, a bio of you, a black and white photo of you (professionally done) and any press coverage you may have already received. Once you've identified your media list, send that kit torepparttar 108604 key contacts at each paper, magazine, TV or radio station.

But don't stop there. PR is about relationships, and you've got to strikerepparttar 108605 right balance of "eager to help" and "respecting your time." Follow up your press kit with an e-mail in a week or so, and stay in touch. Offer story ideas or to be quoted for a feature. Make yourself an asset to journalists and editors and you'll be surprised atrepparttar 108606 results.

Two final tips:

·Always include your Web address in your PR, stories, interviews, etc. ·Always get reprints, videotapes, etc. of your press coverage to use later.

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E-commerce, a no nonsense business perspective (Part 2)

Written by Oliver Phillips

Continued from page 1

First why should someone buy your e-business when as we’ve already discussed, there are few barriers to entry in e-commerce. It could be as easy and beneficial to copy your e-business model and become your competitor; steal your market share rather than buy it?

The second factor relates to longevity; traditional valuation approaches will use current earnings and an expectation of future earnings to value your e-business. How long term are your cash flows? Given low barriers to entry and more un-controllable factors such as search engine ranking, how long canrepparttar profits realistically remain at their current level? The answer is no one knows for sure, but if you subscribe torepparttar 108602 notion that competitive advantage is totally unsustainable in e-business a good answer would be “not very long at all”.

Considering these two factors will help you appreciate that whatever your Business may be valued at using traditional valuation methods – you may find it difficult to achieve anything likerepparttar 108603 valuation price when you try to sell it.

9. Don’t buy an e-business “offrepparttar 108604 shelf”. At least one person does not want it – why not?

It’s very tempting to believe that buying an offrepparttar 108605 shelf e-business isrepparttar 108606 quick route into e-commerce. After all, ifrepparttar 108607 website development has been done, that’srepparttar 108608 expensive part taken care of, so all you need to do is runrepparttar 108609 business to start to make money - right?

My view is a little different. If something is for sale then at least one other person does not want it? Obviously there are lots of genuine reasons why an e-commerce operation might be for sale such as retirement, new business interests, lack of time etc, but equally these reasons can be given to simply disguiserepparttar 108610 fact thatrepparttar 108611 e-business is not performing or is unsustainable inrepparttar 108612 long term.

Also consider ifrepparttar 108613 development ofrepparttar 108614 website was indeedrepparttar 108615 most expensive part ofrepparttar 108616 Business taken care of? For many years a concept known as open source has existed inrepparttar 108617 programming world. This means that code may be used as is, modified, and redistributed (subject to few constraints). This concept also exists onrepparttar 108618 Internet, and many developers have built powerful applications that can be yours to use and modify for free! For example, you could decide to buy an auction website, that looks similar to ebays hugely successful site, assumingrepparttar 108619 development must have cost thousands - but you would be wrong. The auction application is actually available as open source and is called Every Auction. One final point before we move on. Fancy web applications without users are totally pointless. Buying an offrepparttar 108620 shelf application, even one that has actually cost money to develop, is of little use if there is no incumbent user base. The majority of these applications have not been implemented in production, are not inrepparttar 108621 search engines, have no user base and there is no awareness ofrepparttar 108622 application. Even whererepparttar 108623 e-business application does not already exist or there are no dominant players, marketing and buildingrepparttar 108624 user base yourself will undoubtedly becomerepparttar 108625 most expensive part of your e-business operation.

10. Establish a budget to build your site then add at least 30% more to build an adequate administration interface.

This is possiblyrepparttar 108626 most crucial part of your e-business, and almost always overlooked. An effective back office could meanrepparttar 108627 difference between your business survival or failure, and without doubt it will reduce your operating costs, as well as make your business manageable.

Building an online shop to take an order is easy, but where do you go from there. Unless you pay attention to your back office administration functions you will find your Customers contacting you by phone and/or email to ascertain anything from ifrepparttar 108628 product is in stock, to if their payment was received and processed, to when they might expect delivery. Remember customer contact is an overhead in any business, and this sort of contact adds no value in e-business.

If your back office functions are not robust you might also miss opportunities to obtain repeat sales from your Customers; are you maintaining a mailing list to keep your customers informed about new products?

Finally your back office systems could assist withrepparttar 108629 financial management of your e-business, from producing sales receipts, to sales reports, your e-commerce site should be providing you with business information about transactions that are made through it.

Oliver Phillips runs the web development company eantics Ltd and as a qualified Accountant, has built intranet financial systems for an FTSE quoted UK PLC. His e-commerce operations have twice reached the finals of the UK e-commerce Awards; his Company’s latest venture, ‘PFS France’ has just launched.

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