Framing and Reframing Your Successes and Failures

Written by Oz Merchant, C.Ht., NLP Trainer & Coach

Continued from page 1

You can either reframerepparttar context orrepparttar 122938 content. When you reframerepparttar 122939 context, you find a particular context in whichrepparttar 122940 belief or behavior is more useful. You want to ask yourself "When/Where would this behavior/belief be useful?" When you reframerepparttar 122941 content or meaning, you changerepparttar 122942 meaning ofrepparttar 122943 particular belief or behavior. You may want to ask yourself questions like, "What else could this mean?" "What isrepparttar 122944 positive value of this behavior?" "How else could I describe this behavior?"

Examples of Context Reframes:

=> Instead of procrastinating getting started cold calling, procrastinate stopping cold calling.

=> Instead of eating to fill emotional needs, eat only when you feel really hungry.

=> Instead of relieving stress by smoking, relieve stress by going for a jog or spend an hour inrepparttar 122945 Jacuzzi.

Examples of Content Reframes:

=> Don't sell people onrepparttar 122946 benefits of your products, help them buyrepparttar 122947 benefits your product offers.

=> Working hard doesn't lead to success, working smart does.

=> Strong leaders tell their troops to advance backwards, never retreat.

Start playing withrepparttar 122948 frames you have about your successes and failures and begin to make them more useful. Remember to keeprepparttar 122949 lessons you originally learned, but what else could all your previous frames mean. How much more can you learn now!

As the director of the CORE Changes Institute, Oz Merchant, trains and coaches individuals for personal and professional excellence utilizing cutting-edge transformation technologies such as NLP, Hypnosis, TFT, and EFT to name a few. Get access to the Success Skills E-Letter and remember to get your free copy of his latest e-book "11 Simple Lessons to Manifest Your Destiny," at

Spirit and the Law of Cause and Effect

Written by Lynn Claridge

Continued from page 1

If effect did not follow cause your world,repparttar universe, andrepparttar 122937 vast cosmos would be chaotic. The Great Spirit, Godrepparttar 122938 Deityrepparttar 122939 Supreme Power would not berepparttar 122940 summit of love, wisdom andrepparttar 122941 perfection of all that exists. A divine justice rulesrepparttar 122942 universe, with religious and spiritual significance. If you could changerepparttar 122943 effect of some wrong doing it would breakrepparttar 122944 divine justice rules, in turn this would show thatrepparttar 122945 religious and spiritual law was imperfect in its operation and unjust because you could change its pattern. Nature must follow its ordained path, oblivious to man’s desire. It has tasks to perform, and will continue to do so. When man works in harmony, they reaprepparttar 122946 results. Nature can be profligate inrepparttar 122947 abundance; it has to offer to those who work in harmony with it. Whatever good you do, you arerepparttar 122948 better for it. Whatever selfishness you practice, you are worse for it.

You cannot cheatrepparttar 122949 natural law. You cannot say you are sorry for what you have done and automatically obliterate allrepparttar 122950 effect ofrepparttar 122951 causes you set in motion.

Lynn Claridge is a psychic medium. She specializes in self-development through meditation and the understanding of your inner-self. She has written a book “Understanding your Psychic Ability” and has a psychic website covering amongst other subjects, spiritualality, self-healing and personal development.

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