Differentiate and Dominate

Written by John Jantsch

Continued from page 1

Message of Value – Many times there are things that you do that don’t get communicated. Extra that you provide or services you think should be included. Your positioning might just rest in more effectively communicating what you do. I know an office furniture dealer that has adoptedrepparttar message – We Make Your Business More Valuable – to communicate allrepparttar 137908 things they bring torepparttar 137909 party. Now, everything they do is focused on delivering on that statement. Everyone else inrepparttar 137910 industry sells furniture.

Unique habit – I know a financial planner who has his client’s car detailed right out in his parking lot when they come in for their annual review. They can't help but rave to their friends about this unique touch.

Guarantee – Can you offer a guarantee so strong that no one else in your industry would dream of doing it. This one frightens some people but, you probably guarantee your work anyway, you just don’t say so. Come out and boldly announce that you guarantee results and watch what happens!

Customer Service – Everyone knowsrepparttar 137911 story of overrepparttar 137912 top customer service provided by Nordstrom’s Create your own overrepparttar 137913 top customer response system and word of mouth advertising will flow liberally. One ofrepparttar 137914 greatest ways to kick this off is to over deliver on your first customer contact. Give them something more than you promised, give them a gift, give them a related service for free.

Againstrepparttar 137915 competition – Many times you can create your category niche by looking for holes inrepparttar 137916 offerings of your competitors. If every one in industry fails to address a certain problem, boldly grab on to solving that problem and use your competition asrepparttar 137917 point of difference.

Clues to uncovering your difference

Look at your current clients. What common elements exist among your best clients? Interview your clients. See if they can tell you why they chose to work with, why they stay, why they refer? Study your competitors more closely. What do they do that you could do better, what don’t they offer they you could, how do they position themselves?

Communicaterepparttar 137918 difference

Once you find your chosen strategy or combination of strategies to differentiate your business, all of your advertising and promotion should be centered around shouting about that difference.

Commit to it, stay at it and resistrepparttar 137919 temptation to wander off inrepparttar 137920 next new direction. Building a brand, and that’s what I’m talking about, takes time and patience. The payoff, however, is what differentiatesrepparttar 137921 winners fromrepparttar 137922 losers in this big marketing game.

John Jantsch is a marketing consultant based in Kansas City, Mo. He writes frequently on real world small business marketing tactics and is the creator of “Duct Tape Marketing” a turn-key small business marketing system. Check out his blogs at http://www.DuctTapeMarketing.com/weblog.php and http://www.BloggingBusiness.com

Making money with RSS Feeds

Written by Sandra Stammberger

Continued from page 1

Sticky Loyalty isn't a new Ben & Jerry's flavor, but it should berepparttar goal of any serious webmaster who wants to create a web site that visitors return to over and over again. The use of carefully selected RSS feeds can make that happen by offering unique content which can't be found anywhere else.

Now please don't makerepparttar 137745 mistake of thinking "But they can get that same content atrepparttar 137746 publisher's site, why should they come to mine?". Just build it and they will come! Sorry, I couldn't resist saying that, but it's true. In addition torepparttar 137747 RSS content, which they surely can get somewhere else, you are going to add your own sticky loyalty stuff that's all about whatever your site is all about to begin with. That combination of your own content andrepparttar 137748 RSS feed makes visiting you a purely unique experience that can't be found anywhere else.

You don't have to be a member ofrepparttar 137749 Geek Squad to start showing RSS feeds on your site. Just visit any ofrepparttar 137750 links below and get busy using RSS to make mo' money.

Free RSS to HTML PHP Script http://www.feedforall.com/free-php-script.htm

Carp - Free Rss script http://www.geckotribe.com/rss/carp/

RSS Equalizer http://milleniumb.rssalizer.hop.clickbank.net

Clickbank Profits RSS Feed Generator http://www.insiderscripts.com/cb/

Sandra Stammberger is the owner of Insiderscripts. At Insiderscript's programmers are working around the clock to develop affordable, powerful money making scripts that will help you drive traffic to your business. http://www.insiderscripts.com

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