Zen Mind: A Personal View

Written by Clive Taylor

Continued from page 1

A natural being feelsrepparttar world cleanly, whereas an “I”, full of beliefs and ideas of self, overlays those unadulterated feelings with external content, imbuing them with emotional “charge”. This charge is reactive torepparttar 126958 world around it, continually creating conflict as it attempts to dissipate.

(Modern research shows that there is a gap of approximately half a second betweenrepparttar 126959 body/mind’s initiation of a physical action and our conscious intention to do so. This suggests thatrepparttar 126960 body/mind acts according to its belief instructions, not any conscious intention. The “I” is just along forrepparttar 126961 ride – late - while pretending to be in charge.)

What comes out ofrepparttar 126962 moment relates only to that moment. It’s already past and non-existent as it is experienced. To hold to anything experienced or said in that moment, is to live inrepparttar 126963 dead past.

If you can’t touch it, show it, taste it, does it have any reality? That’s not to say it isn’t real, but it may not be real. It could be a construct of ideas.

Whatever is actual or real can only be there when all ideas, all thoughts, all belief, all traces of identity are gone – when there is no “I” left to take us out ofrepparttar 126964 moment. Ifrepparttar 126965 eternal now moment is all there is, this isrepparttar 126966 only way to be in it.

Thought is only necessary, only of any use, when it is called for byrepparttar 126967 moment, for a particular task. To keep thinking beyondrepparttar 126968 particular call ofrepparttar 126969 moment isrepparttar 126970 same as keeping your arm above your head allrepparttar 126971 time, or holding your stomach muscles tensed allrepparttar 126972 time.

If you took every real momentary experience ofrepparttar 126973 natural being –repparttar 126974 smell of a flower, a sunset,repparttar 126975 death of a friend, a humorous situation,repparttar 126976 movement of smoke onrepparttar 126977 wind – all of these in every moment, but with no self, no “I” there to even be aware of these things, this isrepparttar 126978 state of natural mind.

Years of research into consciousness, zero-point physics theory, emergence theory, memes and many other new understandings coming out of mathematics and physics. Ongoing work as relationship therapist is bringing deep revelations about the nature of our psyches. Author/illustrator children’s books (e.g. I Wish My Dad Was A Pirate). Music CD (The Nothing Booth).

Related web site: www.becomereal.com. For online access to unique self growth process.

Do We Have Free Will?

Written by C. Taylor

Continued from page 1

All of this makesrepparttar roller coaster ride of life look like a terrifyingly uncertain and dangerous thing.

We deny, we hide, we fight. We do everything we can to hold ontorepparttar 126957 sides ofrepparttar 126958 roller coaster and not go onrepparttar 126959 ride – no matter how painful and unsatisfying this is.

How “free” is any action of ours anyway if we are unconsciously and blindly driven by all of these fear and confusion-filled survival motivations?

In this situation our every next action is determined byrepparttar 126960 limited current state of our unconscious psyches, rather thanrepparttar 126961 byrepparttar 126962 all of life.

So,repparttar 126963 challenge is, will we makerepparttar 126964 only choice we have and let go of all of our self-imposed limitations so that we can immerse ourselves inrepparttar 126965 free-flow of life?

To become life.

This challenge is deeply terrifying to our beings, because it means letting go of our deep-seated need to be in control of our lives.

We need to believe that we are in control of our lives because we feel, in our earliest unmet childhood place, that we have no control and that’s very scary.

We need to decide for ourselves what kind of life we want to live:

Being dragged along by life, terrified (but hiding it well), kicking and screaming, or, to leap ontorepparttar 126966 roller coaster and glory inrepparttar 126967 ride, exhilarated by every twist and turn, delighted by allrepparttar 126968 beautiful textures and experiences alongrepparttar 126969 way.

No one else can do it for us. It’s up to us.

Go well.

Years of research into consciousness, zero-point physics theory, emergence theory, memes and many other new understandings coming out of mathematics and physics. Ongoing work as relationship therapist is bringing deep revelations about the nature of our psyches. Author/illustrator children’s books (e.g. I Wish My Dad Was A Pirate). Music CD (The Nothing Booth).

Related web site: www.becomereal.com. For online access to unique self growth process.

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