Yucatan Adventure – It’s Chichen Itza Near Cancun

Written by Joanna Neibler

Continued from page 1

The hotel has several rooming optons, including:

» Superior Guest Room — Two double beds, living area, with a breezy private balcony hand tiled in ceramic, marble, and stone. Located in The Main House, with views torepparttar main entrance ofrepparttar 133754 hotel and some with views to a part ofrepparttar 133755 Archaeological Zone.

Junior Suites — Have a Jacuzzi;repparttar 133756 terrace has views torepparttar 133757 Observatory of Chichen Itza and ofrepparttar 133758 hotel gardens. These rooms are located inrepparttar 133759 Main House, with two double beds, and private bathroom with tub. The rooms are tiled in ceramic, marble, and stone, There is a small living area withinrepparttar 133760 room.

» Master Suites — Spacious two bedroom suites with two double beds in each room. Amenities include a living room and private bathrooms with tubs. The room is hand tiled in ceramic, marble, and stone. Master Suites are located In The Main House, with a breezy private balcony.

» One Bedroom Deluxe — These rooms are built in traditional Mayan-style, with wood, stone, native marble, and thatch. In addition, each comes richly decorated withrepparttar 133761 work of local artisans, with a shaded terrace and verandahs.

» Deluxe Bedroom — Clustered around secluded swimming pools,repparttar 133762 deluxe rooms were built with materials native torepparttar 133763 region — handsome hardwoods for which this part ofrepparttar 133764 world is known. These rooms are individual masterpieces, whose appointments are handpicked fromrepparttar 133765 work of local artisans, withrepparttar 133766 generous use of rich, aged mahogany, and ethnic ceramics, textiles, and artwork. The doors are intricately carved with Mayan motifs — stained glass windows setrepparttar 133767 rooms aglow with understated colors. Rocking chairs and hammocks await your pleasure onrepparttar 133768 terrace.

» Deluxe Garden Bungalows — Built in traditional Maya-style with wood, stone, native marble, and thatch. In addition, each comes decorated with local artisan artwork. These have shaded terraces and verandahs.

The ambiance ofrepparttar 133769 hotel is something right out of Disneyland. Birds of all colors chirp and fly overheadrepparttar 133770 beautifully manicured grounds. Enormous century old trees stand tall, shadingrepparttar 133771 hotel and restaurants. Shuttles run alongrepparttar 133772 lush path roadway which leadsrepparttar 133773 way torepparttar 133774 private bungalows, all with a hammock to laze around in after a day out atrepparttar 133775 pyramids. Wild peacocks clearly ownrepparttar 133776 territory and take great pride in letting everyone know it as they spread their beautiful feathers.

During check-in I haverepparttar 133777 opportunity to sit down and speak withrepparttar 133778 hotel’s public relations representative, Quincy. The two of us are into a discussion aboutrepparttar 133779 pyramids and how they were founded by a Mayan priest, la Qin Chan, inrepparttar 133780 15th century. He explains to me how Chichen Itza is a place of magic, spirituality, and mystery, which is taken very seriously byrepparttar 133781 Mayan people. He went on to say, (without my lead) that many tourists come to Chichen Itza to climbrepparttar 133782 pyramids. Apparently this lack of respect forrepparttar 133783 structures is upsetting to many Mayans who watch their historic kingdom trampled upon by a pair of Nikes visiting forrepparttar 133784 day. I remember him mocking how mankind feelsrepparttar 133785 need to “conquer” everything put in our path instead of appreciating and respecting from a distance. A clear view ofrepparttar 133786 Caracol Observatory catches my eye, provoking a greater and deeper interest inrepparttar 133787 ruins, but now in a very different way.

Lunch that day is in an open courtyard restaurant. The authentic Yucatan - style buffet is crowded by hungry guests, young and old. A nice surprise duringrepparttar 133788 meal is traditional native Mayan dancers. The women wear “Hipiles” an embroidered Mayan dress that takes approximately one month to make. They sing, dance, stomp their feet, and balance bottles in trays on their heads as we all clap and sing along.

The hotel also operatesrepparttar 133789 main lobby bar and a restaurant overlookingrepparttar 133790 pool, as well as a poolside bar and grill. Three huge palapas are also withinrepparttar 133791 grounds designed for large groups and special events. The palapas can hold between 25-400 people.

Stuffed from lunch it is time to explore Chichen Itza!

Read this entire feature FREE with photos at http://www.jetsettersmagazine.com/archive/jetezine/adventure/mexico/mayaland/mayaland.html

By Joanna Neibler - Jetsetters Magazine Editor - at www.jetsettersmagazine.com

Joanna Neibler - Jetsetters Magazine. Join the Travel Writers Network in the logo at www.jetsettersmagazine.com

Switi Suriname

Written by Carolyn Proctor

Continued from page 1

Vast tracts of rainforest wilderness veined with large, pristine river systems attract adventure travelers, birdwatchers, and scientists from all overrepparttar world. Popular destinations arerepparttar 133753 Brownsberg Nature Park, Central Suriname Nature Reserve and Galibi Nature Reserve, all managed by STINASU,repparttar 133754 Foundation for Nature Conservation in Suriname.

Visitors to Brownsberg, a plateau overlookingrepparttar 133755 Van Blommenstein lake created byrepparttar 133756 construction ofrepparttar 133757 hydro-electric Afobaka dam, are often awakened byrepparttar 133758 eerie "hooooos" of howler monkeys. Even though you know they're monkeys,repparttar 133759 sound can be so deafening if they are close that it will raiserepparttar 133760 hair onrepparttar 133761 back of your neck.

Fungu Island, inrepparttar 133762 middle ofrepparttar 133763 Coppename River - best reached by a twin-engine bush plane - is headquarters torepparttar 133764 Central Suriname Nature Reserve, designated a Natural World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000. The island, surrounded byrepparttar 133765 Raleigh waterfalls complex, is known asrepparttar 133766 largest bird bonanza of South America. Dr. Jim Thorsell (who has reviewed World Heritage Natural Site nominations for IUCN since 1985 and has visited 600 parks in over 100 countries), describesrepparttar 133767 CSNR as "the most pristine tropical protected area inrepparttar 133768 world."

The beach at Galibi Nature Reserve, a rich coastal habitat, is a nesting ground for five species of endangered sea turtles. Environmentalists and marine turtle biologists frequently visitrepparttar 133769 research station at Babunsanti. Luckily - forrepparttar 133770 turtles - this beautiful Atlantic beach is only accessible by boat and too far fromrepparttar 133771 capital to be a viable vacation spot.

Traveling a few hours uprepparttar 133772 Suriname River from Paramaribo, you can visit Jodensavanne,repparttar 133773 site ofrepparttar 133774 remains ofrepparttar 133775 new world's only autonomous Jewish agrarian community. Inrepparttar 133776 late 1600s Sephardic Jews migrated to Dutch Guiana to escaperepparttar 133777 Inquisition. A Dutch-influenced geometrical town plan surrounded by sugar plantations included open roads torepparttar 133778 synagogue from all four sides, surprising in a time of peril from rival European powers, runaway slaves and Amerindians. The central brick ruin is ofrepparttar 133779 synagogue itself, Bracha veShalom.

Inrepparttar 133780 mid-1700s, local political upheaval andrepparttar 133781 decrease in value of cane sugar caused Jodensavanne's decline and eventual abandonment. Two overgrown cemeteries remain, each containing hundreds of European-made bluestone marble grave markers, some elaborately illustrated despite prohibition by Jewish law. A third "freeholder's cemetery" of hand-crafted wood with African sankofa symbols and concrete grave markers is rapidly decaying.

Inrepparttar 133782 past four years, Jodensavanne has joined such notable locations as Machu Picchu onrepparttar 133783 World Heritage list of "One Hundred Most Endangered Sites."

Yes, there are malarial mosquitoes inrepparttar 133784 interior (not in Paramaribo), but long-sleeved shirts, bug repellent and a good malaria prophylactic will provide protection. There are exceptionally few reported cases of malaria among visitors to Suriname.

Suriname is located onrepparttar 133785 coast of South America between Guyana and French Guiana, and above Brazil. Onrepparttar 133786 edge ofrepparttar 133787 vast Amazon basin, Suriname is a country with a combination of remoteness, history, and relative inaccessibility that has left this nation with bothrepparttar 133788 highest percentage of rainforest cover and one ofrepparttar 133789 lowest population densities on Earth. Diverse culture, historic attractions, pristine rainforest, and a spicy, Asian-influenced cuisine will delightrepparttar 133790 traveler who makesrepparttar 133791 effort to visit Suriname. - Readrepparttar 133792 Jetsetters Magazine feature on Guyana Ecotourism. - Readrepparttar 133793 Jetsetters Magazine Feature on Guyana's new jungle preserve.

A steady stream of leaf-cutter ants crosses our path as we climb steps carved intorepparttar 133794 side ofrepparttar 133795 hill fromrepparttar 133796 Suriname River to Jodensavanne. We are inrepparttar 133797 broad savanna that separatesrepparttar 133798 northeast corner ofrepparttar 133799 Amazon basin fromrepparttar 133800 coastal plain ofrepparttar 133801 Guyana Shield..

The Suriname River snakes throughrepparttar 133802 rainforest of Suriname torepparttar 133803 Atlantic Ocean. Several kilometers upriver fromrepparttar 133804 capital of Paramaribo lierepparttar 133805 ruins of Jodensavanne, nearrepparttar 133806 Cassipoera Creek. For years,repparttar 133807 voracious jungle has crowdedrepparttar 133808 brick ruins of Jodensavanne's Jewish synagogue, Bracha veShalom (Blessing and Peace), constructed in 1685. In 1999 Jodensavanne was added torepparttar 133809 world monuments list of "100 Most Endangered Sites" by World Monuments Watch, a global program launched four years earlier to call attention to critically imperiled cultural heritage sites and direct financial support to their preservation. Other notable sites onrepparttar 133810 list are Peru's Machu Picchu and Ancient Pompeii in Naples, Italy.

Read this entire feature FREE with photos at http://jetsettersmagazine.com/archive/jetezine/globe02/samerica/suriname/switi/switi.html

By Carolyn Proctor - Jetsetters Magazine Correspondent - at www.jetsettersmagazine.com

CArlyn Proctor Jetsetters Magazine. Join the Travel Writers Network in the logo at www.jetsettersmagazine.com

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